Read A Letter Concerning Toleration Online

by Geeky Nigeria
0 minutes read

First Letter Concerning Toleration/45 

them to be utterly void of true Christianity — yet in deed and in truth this 
man cannot be either a heretic or schismatic. 

These things might have been explained more largely and more ad- 
vantageously, but it is enough to have hinted at them thus briefly to a 
person of your parts. 

The End 


1. Luke 22. 25. 

2. II Tim. 2. 19. 

3. Luke 22. 32. 

4. Rom. I. 

5. Gal. 5. 

6. Matt. 18. 20. 

7. Exod. 22, 20, 21. 

8. Deut. 2. 

9. 1 Cor. 5. 12, 13. 

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