154 A Restoration Version of Act III
2. Here
Hec. Where's Puckle?
3. Here, and Hopper too, and Helway too.
1. I want but you, we want but you :Come away, make up the Count.
Hec. I will but Noint, and then I mount,
I will but, etc.1. Here comes down one to fetch his due, a Kiss,
A cull, a slip of bloud.And why thou stay'st so long, I muse.
Since th' Air's so sweet and good.2. Oh art thou come ! What News ?
All goes fair for our delight,Either come, or else refuse,
Now I'm furnish'd for the flight.
Now I go, and now I fly,
Malking my sweet Spirit and I.3. Oh what a dainty pleasure's this !
To sail i' th' AirWhile the Moon shines fair :
To Sing, to Toy, to Dance and Kiss;
Over Woods, high Rocks and Mountains;
Over Hills, and misty Fountains;
Over Steeples, Towers, and Turrets:
We fly by night 'mongst troops of Spirits.
No Ring of Bells to our Ears sounds,
No Howls of Wolves, nor Yelps of Hounds;
No, nor the noise of Waters breach,
Nor Cannons Throats our Height can reach.
1. Come let's make haste, she'll soon be back again.
2. But whilst she moves through the foggy Air,
Let's to the cave and our dire Charms prepare.Finis Actus III.
OCT 20 fciS
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