Read Apology By Plato Online

by Geeky Nigeria
2 minutes read


(Riddell), and the story is of a kind which is very likely to have been 
invented. On the whole we arrive at the conclusion that the Apo- 
logy is true to the character of Socrates, but we cannot show that 
any single sentence in it was actually spoken by him. It breathes 
the spirit of Socrates, but has been cast anew in the mould of Plato. 

There is not much in the other Dialogues which can be compared 
with the Apology. The same recollection of his master may have 
been present to the mind of Plato when depicting the sufferings of 
the Just in the Republic. The Crito may also be regarded as a sort 
of appendage to the Apology, in which Socrates, who has defied the 
judges, is nevertheless represented as scrupulously obedient to the 
laws. The idealization of the sufferer is carried still further in the 
Gorgias, in which the thesis is maintained, that 'to suffer is better 
than to do evil;' and the art of rhetoric is described as only useful 
for the purpose of self-accusation. The parallelisms which occur in 
the so-called Apology of Xenophon are not worth noticing, because 
the writing in which they are contained is manifestly spurious. The 
statements of the Memorabilia respecting the trial and death of So- 
crates agree generally with Plato; but they have lost the flavour of 
Socratic irony in the narrative of Xenophon. 

The Apology or Platonic defence of Socrates is divided into three 
parts: 1st. The defence properly so called; 2nd. The shorter address 
in mitigation of the penalty; 3rd. The last words of prophetic re- 
buke and exhortation. 

The first part commences with an apology for his colloquial style; 
he is, as he has always been, the enemy of rhetoric, and knows of 
no rhetoric but truth; he will not falsify his character by making a 
speech. Then he proceeds to divide his accusers into two classes; 
first, there is the nameless accuser— public opinion. All the world 
from their earliest years had heard that he was a corrupter of 
youth, and had seen him caricatured in the Clouds of Aristophanes. 

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