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8 Tips on How To Pass JAMB UTME With High Scores

by Geeky Nigeria
5 minutes read

Jamb Conducts UTME for students seeking admission into Nigerian Universities.

Before you strive to pass JAMB UTME, it is essential you have a working knowledge about JAMB.

The board, which sets the examination started with PBT (Paper Based Test), which was later overhauled by CBT (Computer Based Test).

For students around that time, PBT offered the ease associated with using pencil and paper. All the candidate needed do was shade properly the option for the number.

How to pass JAMB UTME
Paper Based Test (PBT)

So, unless you do not shade properly, the computer will recognise your answer and score appropriately.

JAMB’s PBT was last used in the 2013/2014 Exams. JAMB suspended the use of PBT in 2014/2015 Examinations, imposing CBT.

CBT is a new innovation by JAMB. It was created to ease the stress associated with PBT when it comes to answering and scoring.

Exams are written in CBT centres. These centres are specially suited to meet ICT requirements. They are mostly universities, polytechnics and computer centres.

How to pass JAMB UTME
A CBT Centre

CBT resolves the challenge of scoring.

In PBT, the correct answer, not shaded properly could be wronged or skipped. This does not apply to CBT. Questions are displayed one at a time. After answering a question, the candidate clicks “Next” to move to the next question. At the end of the UTME, the candidates then clicks “Submit”.

Tips on How to Pass JAMB UTME

Before the Exam

Be Confident

As millions will write the UTME alongside you, there might be pressure and anxiety towards the examination day. Eliminate such burdens by keeping your mind free.

Endeavour to be optimistic, and have an indefatigable mindest on success. What you build your mind on is what will surround you. So build positivity, self-confidence, studiousness, and commitment, then watch them follow you all the way.

How to pass JAMB UTME
Be Confident

Use JAMB’s E-Testing Platform

As you read and study your past questions and textbooks, you will need to get the hands-on experience on CBT. If you do not, on the examination day, you might find it hard to use answer questions because you are knew to the software. This would slow you down, prevent you from answering as much as possible.

You need a PC to download and run JAMB’s Software. If you have one, visit the official JAMB website to download the free JAMB browser (see link below). Note that which ever download you choose, it will be an archive(.zip) in which the executable (.exe) is stored. Hence, extract the executable (WinRaR for Windows 7 /Open directly in Windows 10). Extract to a folder, e.g Documents, and install.

Visit the Official Jamb Website To Download The Software

Practice, Practice, and Practice!

Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect – Vince Lombardi

Don’t just practice, millions do the same. If you are to stand out from the crowd, you need to: do what they aren’t doing, and if that is all to do: do more than what they are doing.

It should be noted that writing UTME isn’t a competition, but a chance to stand out, and get admission to top universities. So don’t say, if I can get 240 something or 250, I will be okay. Chances are that, you might need 300 upwards to get admission to your desired school.

If you really want to get 300 upwards, rack up substantial knowledge on the four subjects you are sitting for – Study past questions and books, Read consistently till you have familarised yourself with all there is to know.


During Exam

Here comes the moment you’ve been waiting for. Remember, don’t be anxious. Avoid heaping pressure on yourself. Be 100% Positive and Confident.

Read Instructions Carefully

Don’t rush to answer the questions. Read from top to bottom what you are asked to do or observe. By jumping straight to Questions, you might have reached the end, before you notice the Instructions. Which means, you would have to allocate the time for other subjects to make corrections.

Allocate Time for Each Subject

The total time for JAMB’s examination is 2 hours. English has 60 Questions and the other three have 40 Questions each.

To avoid wasting time on English, you can calculate – Total question: 60+40+40+40 = 180.

∴ Since you have 2 hours, it would be 2 × 60 mins = 120 mins

You can’t allocate equal time to the subjects, due to English (60 Questions). You must also finish before 120 mins, so as to cross check your answers for errors. Hence, you might time yourself 100 mins

Total Time – 120 mins,
Your Time – 100 mins,
Time to crosscheck – Approximately 20 mins.

Even if you used more than 100 mins, ensure you have time to cross-check your answers.

Maximum of One Minute for a Question

You are answering a total of 180 Questions, and you are given 120 mins. Using one minute for every question would mean you won’t be able to finish all subjects before logging off. At that rate, you are answering 120 questions or thereabouts.

English, as well as some questions in other subjects, can be easily answered in under 30 seconds.

Answer All Questions

Even if you have no any idea, decide on a particular answer. Questions are worth marks, and the chance of obtaining them become slim if you have unanswered questions.

When you encounter questions you have no idea of, you can use the process of elimination to arrive at an answer. But, bear in mind you don’t have time, so whichever you do. Hurry up.

Trust that with these tips, you now know How to pass JAMB UTME with High Scores.

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