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MTN Wear It For Me: Social COVID-19 Intervention

by Geeky Nigeria
1 minutes read

MTN’s new campaign gets everyone to wear face masks.

#WearItForMe is a social COVID-19 Intervention by MTN in which you take a selfie, and include a message to who you want to “wear it” (face mask). You will then be able to download as a picture, and share on social media with  #wearitforme.

According to MTN, Wearing a mask is one of the best ways to slow down the spread of COVID-19, and can be brought about by sharing the message.

For this reason, MTN is committing its September 2020 marketing resources to #WearItForMe, it’s second phase of MTN’s Y’ello Hope COVID-19 response initiative.

The Campaign serves as a call-to-action that uses the voices of mothers and mother-figures, who are by nature, Caring.

They will send heartfelt messages to all the children of Africa to wear a mask and wear it for them.

MTN’s flair in brightening lives and limiting the impact of the pandemic, including through providing free data lifelines, zero-rated access to educational sites and using technology for contact tracing and information dissemination through the Africa COVID Communications and Information Platform.

#WearItForMe social campaign will run throughout September.

To participate, Visit www.wearitfor.me, scroll down and tap “Get Started”.

Table of Contents

Step 1

Take a picture of yourself. (Place your nose below the curve).

Step 2

Tell MTN the name of the person you want to send a message to.

Step 3

Download your message and share to your social platform with #wearitforme.

Read also: MTN Nigeria Releases Unaudited Results For First Half 2020

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