You want to be valued and not taken for granted? Well… It all starts with you.
Self-esteem is simply how much you value yourself. How much you respect, appreciate and like yourself. In shorter words. An overall sense of worth and personal value.
Having the quality of self-esteem can play a major role in your daily work. It can practically motivate you and push you to success, if you tread carefully.
So I have decided to share with you, small and simple tips to help you build your self-esteem..
Table of Contents
Be Kind To Yourself
You’re trying to do something significant maybe small. But inside your head, a depressing voice is whispering ” You always do something wrong, this is not an exception “. Say to yourself, “I will only know if I do it”. Be nice to yourself. Speak beautiful words to you. If you fail, talk to yourself gently, “I can do better, I will do better, so just relax “. Be good to you.
Stop Comparing
Try achieving your own goals. Set up your own rules. Don’t copy another person’s goals. Don’t play in another person’s court. I know it’s hard not looking at that person. But do you recognize the fact that it pushes you into doing what you never wanted for yourself ?
Shun that feeling of insecurity. Do not try to measure up to anyone. Take it one step at a time.
Celebrate The Little You
Sometimes life treats you so hard that you forget to be happy even when you win in a local Club. Jump up and sing excitedly when you complete a task you set for yourself. Do not wait for big things before you accept happiness in your life.
Celebrate the Little You. Things don’t change instantly. They happen gradually. Be filled with Joy in every part of the process .
Your Band And Their Bullets
Learn to stay away from relationships that drain you. People that are Energy sucking are very hard to cope with.
Stay away from them. They bring you down with their words, making you think less of who you truly are.
Flee from them. Stay close to your family. People that support you and cherish you all the time. Stay close to your true gang. Your friends. People that will encourage you and tell you the truth. Good friends are priceless.
Make Others Happy
Maybe we don’t know that we can be “Vibe suckers” too.
Encourage people, love them, treat them the way you want to be treated. They will feel better about themselves. You have boosted their energy. But observe this, you will feel great about yourself too. That is because you have made impact in someone else’s life.
Start with Yourself – Love yourself and move to the other person. It starts small, but it ends big !