Many people sometimes get caught in the euphoria of celebrations.
Little or no thought is given to the aftermath of festivity, this is often because attention is channeled towards having the best celebration.
But what becomes of life after celebration when there is no plan B for sustained progress?
Hence, this article will take you through the journey of life after celebration and what to do in order to maintain a good balance in life.
About Celebration Times
Festivities are, no doubt, the best of times. Everyone would wish there were always times like this without end. Yet, the Bible buttressed that, “Whatever has a beginning must have an end.”
Many people celebrate for different reasons, individually, with families or loved ones. But there are special events specifically celebrated all over the world, such as Christmas and New Year.
These events usually attract and call for massive celebration. However, the atmosphere and luxuriance in which this happens depends on an individual and varies, often influenced by finance.
Determinants Of Celebration
Now, what are the determinants of celebration? Celebration of any sort is basically determined by two factors – atmosphere and luxury.
This shows the manner and mood in which an event is celebrated. It includes internal and external factors. Internal factors are factors affecting a person’s feeling; their frame of mind. It is all about an individual. While external factors include the things that affect the environment. Both factors are interwoven and affect each other.
Clearly, events cannot be well celebrated in an atmosphere of insecurity, violence, chaos, acrimony and crises.
Sadly, there are parts of the country where Christmas and New Year will be celebrated on a very low key. This may be on account of violence and crises currently rocking the areas. Also, there are places that may only feel a glimpse of the celebration without actually celebrating. Again, this boils down to crises – the people are feeling unsafe.
Would you participate in any form of celebration when you are feeling dejected? No, I suppose, because of the state of mind. The current state of affairs in our country bespeaks this unfortunate incident that is going to happen during Christmas/New Year celebrations.
Some families have lost their loved ones to crises and violent attacks. So, they are bereft of the joy and happiness that should fill their hearts during such celebrations.
This encompasses money. It shows the level of expenditure; the expenses to be made during festivities.
Considering the economic downturn occasioned by the Covid-19 pandemic, there is no gain belabouring the fact that many lives have been shattered.
Since the Nigeria economy, and indeed the world economy at large, have been so dislocated, the ripple effect is financial hardship. Although, there are people who have managed to make reasonable savings.
Ironically, these savings are basically considered their Christmas and New Year budgets. But what is the possibility of surviving financial turbulence and difficulties when their bank accounts get drained with Christmas and New Year luxuries? Their chances of relapsing into financial quagmire can only be better imagined.
This is one of the reasons many people, especially people who have children barely manage to live from hand to mouth a month after celebration, if nothing coerces them to smile to the bank.
They experience so much hardship, all on account of poor financial planning. The economic situation of the country is currently very fragile and uncertain, hence it is advisable to be very prudent with finances during festivities.
What To Do After Festivity
How do you maintain a good balance in life after festive periods? The following points might be useful in order to keep your head above water.
Avoid financial recklessness
Sometimes you don’t need to get everything you would love to have. There are things you may need just for the purposes of celebration, try to cut down on the cost.
This does not mean you are mean, no! It is called financial management. Always make a scale of preference in order of priority and relevance. You wouldn’t want to get everything at the expense of your account tomorrow.
Avoid extravagant spending
When you spend on irrelevant items all in the name of celebration, you are simply burying your money deep in the rock.
You will never see its value and will, by no stretch of the imagination, have it back in your account. Financial prudence will always give you value for your money during and after celebrations.
Make an opportunity cost
You must always go for what is readily available, considering your disposable means.
Sometimes you may want to have a particular thing, but for paucity of funds it becomes challenging. Rather than robbing the bank to have it at all cost, save the bank and go for what you can easily afford without having to do any damages.
Make a plan B
In the event things go awry, what would you fall back on? Having more than one egg in the basket will always give you the option of having another should one gets broken.
Look beyond the present
You may find yourself in a comfort zone today and tend to forget that life is full of ups and downs, hence you don’t know what tomorrow may be.
Do not use all your resources on merrymaking and forget that your journey in life is to gather and build.
Save for the rainy day. Your tomorrow is more important and is substantially determined by your today.