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Frustration: An Enemy To Self Improvement And Growth

by Mary Adeola
8 minutes read

Frustration can be likened to the trash that an average youth carries due to unfulfilled desires or dreams.

Frustration could come as a result of stagnation – not moving forward from a certain stage, from family members to friends, and even social media.

One of the main causes of depression is frustration, it paves way for negativity and bitterness, it makes you lack focus and think everyone is ahead of you.

An average youth is concerned about not getting rich early, not getting a fulfilling job and not getting their greatest desire.

An enemy to fulfilling your dreams is Frustration, without focus you can’t achieve anything meaningful. Frustrated people don’t go far in life as they’re never fulfilled.

Frustration is never a thing of joy because it brings nothing but pains and regrets.

Here are some tips to live a frustration free life

Set a goal

A goal is like a driver, it drives you to fulfill your desires, visions and dreams. Without goals and without a planned life, one can be frustrated as a result of lack of results.

It could be either short term goals or long term goals, goals are like trackers they make you know how far you’ve gone, if you feel you haven’t achieved anything, get a book, write down what you would like to achieve in a week, month or a year.

If you don’t know how to create a goal, wait for my next post on goals. A man without a goal is always frustrated because he doesn’t know what he wants or what he wishes to be.

Develop your talent

Stop desiring to be someone else. It is lowering your standard.

The person you’re admiring started from somewhere, develop your skill and talent, you might become very great at it when you finally give it a shot.

Kill that fear that comes with starting something new, it’s not always a bed of roses when you start something new, it’s always exciting and tiring. Voices telling you to give up will come but kill that fear and be better.

Henry Ford said “one of the greatest discoveries anyone makes, one of their great surprise is to find they can do what they were afraid they couldn’t do.”

Eschew that bad thing they said about your talent that keeps ringing in your ear.

The talent you keep hiding from the world could bring you into limelight, don’t let fear make you bury that beautiful virtue embedded in you.

Market your talent with confidence, let people know what you’re good at. Don’t box that talent, let it out.

Surround yourself with Positive People

The people in our circle affect us either negatively or positively. Your friends can either make you or mar you.

Your friends or people in your circle should always have your back one hundred percent.

Don’t surround yourself with people who aren’t adding value and they don’t see anything good in you, you will be drained and you won’t grow with such people.

Your circle should motivate you to be better, you should see something in their lives that makes you wanna do more.

You have a right to walk away from negative people to protect your mental health. Surrounding yourself with them will increase your chances of being frustrated, and a frustrated person is always deprived of joy.

Walk away from naysayers and embittered beings to protect your mental health. You have a choice.

Choose wisely. Surround yourself with people who are good for you, good for heart, soul and mind, who bring out the best in you, who can do anything just to bring out the best in you.

Trust me, your mental health is just too precious for you to waste it on naysayers and embittered people.

Listen to Good music

Good music heals the soul, there are some songs you listen to that stirs joy in you.

Listen to music that makes you happy because music is a good therapy, it doesn’t just makes you happy it lifts your soul.

When you feel overwhelmed about certain situations, put on your earpiece and dive into the music land, it speaks to your soul, music does a lot.

Do more for YOU!

You have been making people happy, making their priorities first, forgetting yourself?

Remember responsibilities will always come but you have only one life to live, once in a while, do things that makes you happy, buy that thing you’ve always wanted, take yourself out, make yourself a priority. Making yourself a priority isn’t selfishness but self care.

Love yourself, care for yourself, spoil yourself, nobody can love you more than you love yourself, don’t allow other people’s burden make you forget you have a life.

Some people can’t remember the last time they cared about their needs.

Responsibilities will always come but you have no power over your life, you can’t tell when death will come, do more for you, pamper yourself.

Don’t be afraid to do more for yourself, every time you do more for yourself, you’re fulfilling the part that nobody saw, you’re developing yourself and increasing your life span. My sister, problems no dey finish.

See a therapist

Some people think seeing a therapist means you’re going mad, seeing a therapist could help you relief stress and it could do wonders for your mental health.

When you’re not feeling good about yourself and the way you see the world, see a therapist, it’s not a crime to see a therapist.

Seeing a therapist could help you boost your self-esteem and help you become better, you don’t have to be mad before you can see a therapist.


I think confessions are underrated. There was a time in my life I was depressed, I was giving up and the only thing that brought me back on my feet was confession, every morning I would look into the mirror and say “Mary, You’re unique, you have a beautiful smile and the world awaits you to shine so stop being weak”.

Every morning, I would be excited to go to the mirror. I got myself back, ever since, then my self esteem never went low, because I was conscious of what I carry.

When you feel like you’re losing it or you can’t fix a situation that is beyond your control just meditate or make confessions they’ll set you free from whatsoever pain you’re trapped in, you’re not defined by your pain, you’re defined by your gifts.

Your pain makes you better and stronger but you should never remain trapped in pain because that’s not who you’re.

Be optimistic about everything you do, optimistic people are great achievers and they go far in life, kill that pessimism, bury it and breathe life words into your life.

Take things easy

You’re human being not a Supreme being, you have weaknesses, you fall, you make mistakes, you cry.

Yet, those things are allowed because you’re human not a Supreme being, stop punishing and feeling sorry for yourself because you couldn’t get that grade point, stop hating yourself because you weren’t born into a rich home.

Everything in this life had been predestined by your maker, just let things flow and don’t be deprived of joy.

I had a talk with few of my friends, this is what they had to say;

Omodara Oluwatoni said, “I just take it easy on myself basically. Most times they’re things I can’t control so I just stop being too hard myself and let things just go as they should.”

Idowu Halimah said, “I guess I just let things be and it left on it’s own, sometimes I pray.”

Alamutu Taiwo said, “To get out of it is just about being optimistically calm. Not dwelling much on whatever is frustrating you and putting focus on other things.”

Choose to be calm in every situation, being calm takes frustration away, always choose faith over fear, choose peace over worry, you’ll always overcome every situation when you’re calm.

Worries and fear make you afraid of what’s ahead, what’s ahead should not be your priority but creating a beautiful NOW.

Stay In Prayer

Don’t let anyone deceive you, there’s a God up there that answers prayer, stay in prayer, stay close to God.

Don’t let anyone make you believe that there is no God because you haven’t received your answers, sometimes God makes us become better and stronger before he grant us some prayers not because he’s stingy with answers.

Stay close to God, He never leaves His own. If you need help with anything, he is the first person you should talk to about it.

Remain Grateful

You have food to eat, water to drink, a place to lay your head, clothes to wear, a sound health. You should never be short of Thanksgiving if you have all of these.

Some are paying thousands every minute just for that breath. You should never be ungrateful no matter the situation you find yourself.

Be a Reader

Read good books that will add value to you, read books that will enrich your knowledge, don’t just read academic books, read more about nature, animals, trees and everything in the world. There is beauty and fun in books especially when you discover new things.

Books are loaded with mysteries, don’t be afraid to open a book, it makes you better.

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Adeyemi God's wonder September 1, 2021 - 3:15 pm

Nice work

Mary Adeola September 3, 2021 - 3:55 am

Thank you❤️

Precious September 1, 2021 - 4:47 pm

This is amazing
Keep it up girl

Mary Adeola September 3, 2021 - 3:55 am

Thank you❤️


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