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Working 9 to 5: Why It Isn’t So Bad

by Favour Adeniyi
3 minutes read

I was talking to a few of my friends some time last week, and somehow, we found ourselves talking about adulthood and making money.

I realised that most of them didn’t like the idea of working 9am to 5pm, which they referred to it as “slavery”.

This got me wondering; if perhaps like my friends you also frown at the idea of working nine to five.

I’m not going to try to change your mind but I hope after this read, you begin to see nine to fives from a different perspective.

A simple definition of a nine to five is a job where you have to leave your house five days a week every morning and return later in the evening.

You have a boss or bosses and you get to work with a group of others. You are paid at the end of every month and can get promoted if found worthy.

Unlike being self-employed, where you own your business and as the boss, you get to dictate how the business will operate. Everything is handled on your terms.

A nine to five is not bad at all, it just depends on the type of person you are. It is important therefore that you discover yourself; find out what works for you and try not to follow the crowd in determining your career path.

A nine to five assures you career security. The work is consistent and the pay is guaranteed. All you need do is show up and carry out your specified tasks. So if you are one who wants to feel safe in their place of work, you should definitely consider a nine to five.

It also guarantees a stable and structured work life. For example, from Monday to Friday, you know exactly where you will be from 9am till 5pm. This helps you plan the rest of your day and even your weekends. There are no surprises. This is amazing if you are one who loves consistency and feels comfortable when things are planned out.

Also, a nine to five doesn’t stop you from having other side businesses. You can work for a company and still be a business owner. All you have to do is plan and you’ll be doing very little of that since your nine to five already has fixed hours. That’s multiple income streams for you!

Similarly, if you’ve always enjoyed team work, then a nine to five is the right fit for you. It provides you with an opportunity to recognise with a community, you get to socialise with your co-workers, create bonds and help the team to succeed as a whole.

Lastly, it helps you to be more cautious of your time and focus on what is truly important. Since there’s already a routine and you know how much time you have to spare every week. You tend to manage that time properly with people that matter or doing things that add value to your life.

A nine to five is wonderful so is a flexible job, you just have to find out what your motivations are and the kind of life you want to live.

Most people don’t know what they want, that’s why they are not happy with their jobs. Don’t be one of them.

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