The gods were born of the void and she was void. Of her children, she was proud and blessed them with all she had. She took delight in watching their displays of power, their friendship, and their love and eternity seemed to be filled with happiness.
Then her children had children and their children, children and as they multiplied, they forgot they were of one mother thus the first war of the world, the war of the gods began.
The gods then fought, desperately, for kin, for wealth, and for power and they fought until the world knew nothing but war and peace became a fable. In her despair, she spoke to her children, she made them listen to her voice that had not spoken since creation.
She cajoled and pacified, she threatened and begged but the gods were independent of their mother, and rather than listen, the gods banded together aiming for the destruction of this power that they knew not of and could not understand.
Then a mother was to go to war against her sons, but she was void, she was destruction and her children she might maim but she would not destroy.
Therefore, she brought to war the sand on which the gods had stepped and made them in the image of the gods. Her warriors she called man but to man, she could give no power as she had given her firstborns and man she could not keep for eternity as she had given her firstborns.
In man she found the joy which she thought she had lost, she found man to be more than warrior and more like a child, so she separated man from the gods and slumbered in her secret place for a million years out of exhaustion and out of fear that her kin may find her and she will do what she does, destroy.
The gods sought war and found their opponent not and for ten thousand years they searched, they hankered not just for the voice that scared them but for a reason to be active. The gods finally found their brothers and dazzled man with their powers and told them of things before their creation. They let man borrow their power and with their power, man learned their vices, and of their vices, man resonated with greed.
A Millennium passed and she awoke and in her lucidity, she saw dreams for her second child had become like the first. Man had learned to live forever, just like the gods but fought forever, just like the gods and changed alliances, just like the gods and broke her heart, just like the gods and she came to hate the things she had grown to love and in her fury abandoned man to his own wiles and vices, left to satisfy his own longing and his own dreams and made to believe that he was ruler of the land and Lord of its inhabitants.
The gods rejoiced at her fury and sought to control man and through man, control the vast lands man had conquered. The gods had overlooked their betrayal of their mother, forgotten their quest to destroy power they did not own, and most importantly they forgot that before man became their brother, he was created a soldier. Man like his brother was a god and gods will always crave power; to destroy and to create, to fuse and to fiss and power cannot, no, must not be given. Power is snatched, plundered, taken, and made into one’s own. Man was god and he wanted the power of the gods, thus the Second war started, the war of gods and man began.
Man was created to rival the gods, the gods destroyed, to make man fear and worship them. She watched it happen from her place of silence and felt desolate as the war destroyed her creations and herself and realized that she was void, she was meant to create and destroy as birth would be meaningless without death. She understood the lesson her children had taught her time and time again and accepted that there was joy in destruction as it only signified a new beginning.
On that day, man and god alike were embraced by oblivion and the world started again. Several millennia has passed and she is now known as a devouter, emptiness and the end of all things but she has never been happier as her embrace simply signifies a new beginning, maybe not for the world alone but for herself too.