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Decision-Making: How To Make Better Decisions

by Abigail Oladokun
3 minutes read

Did you know that the brain needs energy in order to make good decisions?

At the dawn of every day in every moment you make decisions; what to say, what to wear, what to eat, how to spend your money. Asking questions? Do I really need to buy that car? What movie to go to? Where to travel to?

Decision making is inevitable in life. The reality of not making a decision is making a decision indirectly. Indecision is also a decision in itself.

The process of making a decision is mental hard work.

President Obama once said, “You need to remove from your life the day- to -day problems that absorb most people for meaningful parts of their day. You’ll see I wear only gray or blue suits. I’m trying to pare down decisions. I don’t want to make decisions about what I’m eating or wearing. Because I have too many other decisions to make. You need to focus your decisions- making energy. You need to focus your decision- making energy. You need to routinize yourself. You can’t, be going through the day distracted by trivia.”

In decision making, what you should be interested in is creating routines to overcome decision fatigue. Decision fatigue refers to, that weary feeling you get after being faced with too many decisions. It’s a mental exhaustion a person experiences after making a lot of decision.

Amidst the desire to decide effectively, you want to create a smaller chunk of your options. More is not always better, to make quick easy decision when the choices are between 1- 3, it’s more appealing to the brain to make a choice.

How To Make Better Choices

  1. Sleep on it! – Now, this does not mean- procrastinating or not taking immediate action. But you know sometimes having thought on an issue from all the possible angles. You just need to relax, and get some sleep it removes the clusters around the problem. The funny fact here, is that the brain is still working even while at sleep.  Just let the unconscious mind work for you. Sleep on it!
  2. Glucose plays a significant role in decision making -Glucose is brain fuel! We need it to make well-thought, out decisions. Glucose is the chemical in the bloodstream that carries energy to the brain, muscles and other organs and systems. With just a tall glass of cocktail! Slurp here! Slurp there! You make good decisions!
  3. Make better easier decisions in the morning – With the fresh bubble of energy that comes in the morning, you are ready to make to make a well organized decision. When rested and refreshed, the mind can think anew. This does not mean, you won’t make decisions at noon, or in the evening, or does it? It just reflects that in the cool of the morning, you can prioritize the day.

We all make decisions! Let us know in the comment section, the habits that have been working for you to make well- thought-out decisions.

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