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How Netiquette Proves Invaluable For Online Activities

by Priscilla Iwedike
4 minutes read

The world is now a computer village as jobs, interviews, businesses and so many more are carried out online.

However these activities are being abused because of certain irritating traits people have, which is why of all types of etiquette, netiquette has to be put into consideration no matter how hard you might think it will be.

Netiquette means a set of rules and regulations that entails a courteous and appropriate behavior online.

The most fascinating truth is that, it promotes good communication skills, helps you understand what is acceptable when collaborating online and helps avoid miscommunication.

Lack of manners, rudeness, disrespect, aggressiveness and been sarcastic has become the order of the day. Aside addressing issues online, the way we communicate online matters.

The first one I will be laying emphasis on is Respect. Let’s learn to use Respectful Languages. No matter the level you are, no matter the height you have attained, no matter the places you have gotten to, no matter the certificate you have attained, no matter the awards you have received and no matter the records you have broken, Courtesy demands Respect.

We all need to show respect to people even when they don’t deserve it (I believe everyone demands Respect). When you show respect it doesn’t make you look like a fool or feel less of yourself, it’s reflection of your character not theirs.

Inflammatory, offensive and hurtful comment online are so common online that online users or collaborators don’t see any wrong with it because it’s now their lifestyle. You don’t just spill out expensive jokes online and say “I just want to be sarcastic, it’s just a joke”.

Listen my dear readers there are limits and boundaries to the rate at which we make expensive jokes online. Note they might not know you are been sarcastic because all these are done online, it’s totally different when you make the statement physically.

It’s not the word said , it’s the receiver that matters. He or she might not be at the right mood at that time. Psychologically and emotionally the persons might be unstable at that point in time. He or she might have lost a loved one.

The so-called joke made in a disrespectful manner has caused discord, malice, confusion, disagreement and insults. So let’s all learn to Respect each other online.

Secondly, let’s learn to “fact check” before posting. I was given a content writing job late last year, can’t vividly remember the date. I was told to write a content concerning Alex Ekubo and his to be wife Fancy Acholonu. I was to generate traffic at that point. I read so many blogs story linked with the same story I was asked, and there were lots of contradictions.

These contradictions by bloggers were made because their contents were not fact checked and they did that because they wanted to get traffic.

Traffic at the detriments of people’s career and name?. Lies? False accusations? Before writing, I fact-checked all the news and told readers that I didn’t have much to say because I don’t really have facts about the saga, then I closed it up.

Fact Check before posting. Those celebrities or people we write about are humans like you and I and painting their name in an hurtful manner will only cause them pain. Once you don’t have your facts checked, you don’t have the right to raise hurtful posts about them. It will only land you in trouble.

Thirdly, avoid writing in all caps. All CAPS is considered as yelling. Use italics or bold type face. Many people don’t still understand that all caps is considered yelling. This has been an online rule but people don’t take it into consideration because they feel its nothing.

Written content is different from spoken content so please let us live by the rule. Before concluding this article, I will like to make us understand the fact that  we must learn to say please and thank you as appropriate.

Practice the Golden rule. The golden rule of netiquette is summarised as, do not do or say online what you will not do or say offline. Some people are so blunt when having conversation online. They speak anyhow and don’t care about the receiver of the word been said.

Share with Discretion. If you have issues with people online whether your business partners, siblings, your boss, your parents, or your spouse, avoid sending their confidential pictures, home videos, sex videos and naked pictures. It doesn’t speak well of you at all. It shows how irresponsible you are.

What ever issue you have should be settled amongst yourselves not online. Be cautious with sarcasm, never send spam, use good grammar and return messages promptly. Always apologise when you do not return message and inform the receiver if you can’t be able to meet the deadline.

Having netiquette is Invaluable as it leads to a better online experience for everyone.

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