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6 Effective Ways To Handle Bullying

by nwadinah@pen
2 minutes read

In recent times, there seems to be an increase in the act of bullying in our society.

Not too long ago, we heard of the unfortunate death of 12 year old Sylvester Oromoni, who died under a controversial circumstance that is still being linked to him being bullied by his fellow junior students.

Bullying is the act of persistently intimidating someone, usually a weaker person with the intention of making life unpleasant or unbearable for that person. It can take place in so many places like schools, corporate organizations, worship/religious centers, in communities, even in the family and there’s also cyber bullying.

Bullying can be in the use of abusive words on someone, overpowering someone over what rightfully belongs to them or gang beating.

Sadly, many are victimised because the bullies are either stronger than they are or more influential than they are.

Regardless of what advantage a bully has over you, here are 6 effective ways to handle and over power them;

  1. Speak Out – This should be the utmost action to be taken. No matter who the bully may be, never keep silent in the face of a bully. Calmly but firmly resist being bullied by saying out loud NO to him or her. When you speak out, you receive the power of taking control out from the hands of the bully.
  2. Inform Your Parents – Telling your parents who’s bullying you, gives you a reassuring confidence and security. Ensure they’re aware early enough to avoid further pain being inflicted.
  3. Approach a Counsellor or An Authority – In whatever environment this vice is being carried out, there must be an authority that you can report to. Never let the fear of speaking out make you die in silence. If you feel compelled to speak to a professional, then approach a trusted counsellor or trusted individuals who can also be family members that you feel comfortable speaking with.
  4. Never Walk Alone – As much as you can, walk in groups with friends you can trust. Especially when walking through a lonely route or where the bully (ies) are usually found.
  5. Build Your Self Esteem – The ability and confidence to speak out and confront your bullies depends on the level of self-esteem you’ve built. Most victims of bullies are without self-esteem or confidence in themselves. Being confident, courageous and happy with yourself are the basic ingredients in building your self-esteem.
  6. Do Not Retaliate – The thought of being vengeful has always been a factor in the continuous recycling production of bullies in our society. Never you think of retaliating either to your bullies or someone else as a way of easing off the pain. Just imagine what the repercussion will be if you’re to bully someone you’re much stronger than. I’m sure the results may not be exactly what was expected just as in the case of young Sylvester.

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