The family is the smallest institution in the society and it decides majority of what happens in our world.
Noteworthy figures who have made exceptional achievements have risen from this small unit, as well as societal nuisances, who have affected the world negatively.
A family is a neutral change agent which basically takes on the nature of the leader(s) in the home.
While children are ‘free men’ with the liberty to make decisions from a certain phase in life, they come into the world as ‘blank slates’ and are shaped by their environment.
Although they have a choice to accept/reject the good values or the toxic influence from the home, it is the duty of responsible parents to create a conducive atmosphere for their children and instill the right values in them. This includes relationship building within the family.
Family members have a relationship by blood but not many families have friendship. This doesn’t mean besties have to come from families neither does it negate the fact that there can be best friends within families.
Family bonding isn’t something that is too common either because of different personalities or different mindsets. Whatever might be the reason, intentionally building relationships among parents and children, siblings or spouses is very important.
The world is a room called chaos according to @wordsbyezekiel. How chaotic would it be when individuals have nowhere in the world to feel loved and to give love? We were created as individuals but were put in families and social groups where interaction with other individuals is unavoidable and necessary.
Aristotle said that man is a social animal; a social being. This means that man was meant to relate with people. On the other hand, these relationships would not mean anything until they are made valuable.
As it was mentioned earlier, human beings have a choice to accept or decline the path that has been given to them but in the early years of life, the environment they grow in heavily influences their outcome. This makes it very pertinent for parents to build a home that provides quality relationships for its members, especially growing children.
Affection might not come naturally to some people but it can be learned and made a culture. It is a necessary good because according to statistics, there is a relationship between showing affection to children and their mental health and levels of distress in adulthood.
Affection to and relationship with children is not solely the duty of a mother. It is also the duty of a father. A responsible parent is interested in the health of their offspring and would invest whatever it takes for them to become the best.
Now, affection doesn’t just mean paying the bills and school fees. It doesn’t just mean buying gifts for children to engage them while you address your busy schedule. Affection is something that must be done consciously and intentionally to meet the emotional needs of children in order to make them better adults.
You can show affection to children by:
- Encouraging them with kind words.
- Telling them you’re thankful for their efforts and that you’re proud of them.
- Saying “I love you” regularly and meaning it.
- Spending time playing and praying with them.
- Going out to fun places.
- Hugging them and giving them pecks.
- Getting them things that they would love and what would be beneficial to them.
- Creating family time weekly or bi-weekly to discuss as a family.
- Spending time talking to each child as a parent-friend to know what is going on in their lives.
You influence the mental health of your child both now and in the future. Be a responsible parent by investing in their emotional and mental well-being now.