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Social Awareness: Impact Of Gender Inequality In Our Society

by Priscillia Uzomah
3 minutes read

Whenever the issue of gender inequality is brought up in any conversation, I find myself feeling sad that it is still very much a part of our society.

Gender inequality occurs when men and women are not treated equally in society because of perceived differences in biology and role. In most societies, women face gender inequality more than men and that’s what I wish to address in this article.

Change is constant; this principle of life is as sure as the rising and setting of the sun. In 2019, we faced a pandemic, survived, and emerged into a changed world. Blockchain technology, heralded by bitcoin, radically transformed and is still transforming the economy of the world. Meanwhile, the Queen is dead (God rest her soul) after 70 years of reign, and her son (King Charles III) sits on the British throne.

With all these astounding events and changes taking place in the world, why has gender inequality defied the principle of change? Why is it that society has not fully accepted that everyone deserves to be respected and treated fairly, regardless of their gender? Why do some institutions and governments not stand up against gender inequality, especially against women?

Growing up, I was made to believe that no matter what I achieved, none of it would matter if I don’t become a wife and mother. If I don’t learn how to cook, no man will marry me. If I get too rich or educated, I’ll chase all the men away. If I’m not attractive enough, I’ll end up sad and alone. 

No matter how we try to sugar coat it, gender inequality is devastating in our society. Women have so many potentials that are untapped which can benefit society tremendously but most of them are taught that the purpose of their existence is to please the menfolk. 

The feminist movement has achieved considerable feats in support of women’s inclusion in society but there’s still a long way to go. The more men and women fight for women’s rights, the more opposition they face, even from women. When a woman is empowered, the entire community will benefit starting from her family. 

Gender inequality is like the elephant in the room. I doubt the big, grey, wild animal, is sitting quietly in the corner.

We can see the devastation it is causing. A lot of people choose to ignore it or pretend that nothing is wrong, Some even condone it. Gender inequality remains unchanged and a lot of women suffer because of it. With all the progress the world has made, the world is still stuck in the dark ages in many ways. 

According to Statistics Times, the World’s Gender Ratio in 2021 is 101.68 males per 100 females, and there are more males than females in the workforce. However, there has been a steady decline in women’s participation in the global labour force in the past few years. Even when women participate in various industries, they are not accorded the same treatment as their male counterparts. 

There are some that may say that gender inequality is a thing of the past. After all, women are allowed to go to school, vote, and hold high positions in the public and private sectors. I wonder if they are living on this planet earth or if maybe they are from Mars.

I can only hope that a time will come when young girls will not be forced into marriages when women are not ridiculed for pursuing their careers and dreams and they are allowed to be the best version of themselves in everything that they do.

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