Navigating today’s world without reaching out for your mobile phone every five minutes is simply unthinkable.
The level of integration is unprecedented, and the situation is poised to become more immersive as the metaverse takes shape.
Now more than ever, the present state of affairs calls for the adoption of healthier practices. The fast-paced, high-stakes nature of today’s world translates to more time in front of phone and computer screens. In addition, the avalanche of content across various social media platforms serves to keep millions glued to screens on a daily basis.
To minimise stress and to keep one’s mental health, certain practices are nigh indispensable.
Table of Contents
Scheduled Decluttering
Across email inboxes, browsers, instant messaging applications and galleries, there is a while lot of clutter to deal with. It gets overwhelming, with the further tendency to inhibit how one functions and takes on life’s numerous demands.
The sure-fire way to deal with clutter is to set apart time to delete unimportant and needless pictures and emails, while also replying to texts and closing web pages that are of little priority or have no utility.
Given that it is even more overwhelming to juggle unplanned decluttering with life’s demands, it is only proper to set aside a defined time for digital spring cleaning. This could be once a week, once a month, or once a quarter.
Blue Light Filters and Eye Comfort Shields
Long story short, phone screens emit an amount of blue light that becomes more undesirable with prolonged phone usage. This leads to effects such as eye strain and poor sleep patterns.
Thankfully, more smartphones now come with a feature that enables users to cut down on blue light. While users can augment these inbuilt blue light filters and eye comfort shields by purchasing blue light glasses, the former represents a good starting point.
App Timers and Focus Modes
Time as a resource has never seemed more scarce than it is, in today’s fast-paced and demanding world. Even without the avalanche of distractions that social media offers, many people now deem twenty-four hours as an insufficient daily allocation.
With so much at stake, it is imperative for one to rely on tools in curbing social media time. This is where app timers and focus modes come in. These features have the underlying effect of boosting work productivity and keeping one away from the toxicity and pressures of social media for a longer period.
Screen Time Minimisation Before Bed
Lastly, one must make the effort to cut down on screen time at least an hour or two before bedtime. While it may not be possible for one to stick to this practice on a daily basis, it helps sleep quality and one’s ability to function in subsequent days.