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Curbing Procrastination: New Month, New Goal

by Ayelu Gift
3 minutes read

Meeting deadlines and completing tasks are circles of events that never ceases to come our way.

From time to time, there is usually something to do over a period of time, and most time we often drag them instead of handling the tasks quickly and swiftly.

Procrastination is a cankerworm that has eaten deeply into so many individuals. Statements like ” I still have time”, “where do I start from”, and “I’d start up after this movie” would often trail the lips of procrastinators. It’s a bad habit that individuals could unconsciously slip into.

Procrastination could occur due to a number of things. In this article, we would explain the causes of procrastination and ways to curb them.

Firstly, let’s take a look at laziness.

A lazy person will often postpone his or her work. Laziness is caused by unwillingness and low energy towards a job. When there is a lack of interest in the objective that is to be achieved, laziness is bound to set in which results in procrastination.

It is almost impossible to keep up with a task when there are distractions around. Distractions have their ways of strongly diverting the attention needed to complete a task.

This will unavoidably result in procrastination. One huge distraction we have to conquer is our cell phones. Research reveals that handling cell phones whilst working reduces thinking capacity.

Aside from distractions, the inability to generate ideas freely and quickly could as well lead to procrastination. “Idea block” often happens while working, and it’s not usually Interesting to be deficient in ideas when you really need them. This could discourage continuity and cause you to postpone the present task.

Misplaced priorities hinder the timely completion of a task. When the priorities of a person are not clearly defined, the essential things could be put aside for some other irrelevant ones.

Procrastination can be curbed in many ways. However, it takes time to be able to adequately avoid it. The following are ways to curb procrastination:


Working with a schedule is one good way to avoid postponing work to be done. This involves planning activities with a specific time limit, this should be done adequately with short breaks at intervals.

This way, you would be intentional about doing things, as other things have to wait for their allotment. This will not only put a stop to procrastination and delays, it will also help a great deal in time management and efficiency.


The type of goal to be actualized will determine the level of passion and zeal that will be put into it. Ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.


You’re likely to procrastinate a task when you don’t clearly understand it. Asking questions would give clarity and leverage to carry out your job without shifting it.


Get yourself an accountability partner. This could be a friend, colleague or anyone that you can check up on you to ensure the progress and actualisation of your set goal.

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