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Good Friday: Meaning And Significance Of The Celebration

by Ndubuishi Lauretta Anwuli
3 minutes read

Over 2000 years ago, God chased Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden because of the sin of disobedience (Genesis 3.23).

This created a rift between God and man; God told Adam that he will continue to till the soil for survival while Eve will experience the pains of childbirth.

God knew that man needed redemption to mend this rift; that is why the prophet Isaiah foretold the birth of our Lord Jesus which heralded His entrance into the world, His death and resurrection.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16), the Father proved this love by sending His son to die for us which births the celebration of Good Friday.

Why it is termed “Good” Friday?

Though Jesus Christ was crucified on the Friday presiding Easter Sunday, it is not termed a “bad” Friday because His death signified the end to the rift between God and man which started in the garden of Eden.

In the old testament, the priest uses the blood of a lamb to plead for God’s mercy during selected celebrations but the tearing of the veil in the temple on Good Friday nullified this practice. We can now relate to God on a personal level.

It is also termed “Good” because it is a period where we are allowed to reflect on the way we live our lives and turn back to God when the need arises.

Celebration of Good Friday

The celebration starts with the last supper (Maundy Thursday) when Jesus breaks bread and drinks wine with His apostles. A few moments later, Judas Iscariot betrays Jesus for thirty pieces of silver in a plot with the Pharisees.

Presently, different churches like the catholic church mark this day by organizing the Stations of the Cross. The story begins when Jesus is tried at Pilate’s court, the Pharisees accused Him of proclaiming Himself as the King of the Jews which is also termed blasphemy.

According to Pilate, Jesus didn’t commit any crimes to warrant him to be crucified but the Pharisees influenced the people to keep chanting “Crucify Him, crucify Him, crucify Hi!

Thereafter, the people condemn Jesus to be crucified with two thieves. The celebration also focuses on the trials He faced on the journey to Golgotha (which means the place of the skull) where He was crucified.

The Stations of the Cross is usually dramatized on this day in various churches. Most Christians also abstain from the consumption of meat on this day and carry out acts of charity. It is also one of the days in the catholic church where mass is not celebrated and Holy Communion is not given to the congregation.

Good Friday is one of the most important days in the Easter period and Christianity. Most Christians use this period to visit family and friends and reflect on their lives. Good Friday is celebrated on the 7th of April this year.

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