In a few minutes, there will be a hot steaming pot of soup, stew and everything else you like to celebrate with cooking on the fire.
While you are enjoying the day, take out a few minutes and think about what you are celebrating.
Easter marks the remembrance of the crucifixion, death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour. It is a day set aside to honour that one action He did on the cross. Technically, it is not a day to gallivant and throw our weights around.
Neither is it a time to eat ourselves into a stupor in the name of celebration.
It is a period of sober reflection. A time to ponder on what happened on the cross. The magnitude of love expressed on the cross.
The season of Easter is a season of love. It was out of the abundance of God’s love for mankind that He sent His son. It was also out of the abundance of the love of the Son for mankind that He asked to be sent.
This love demonstrated by the Father and the Son should show in whatever we do today and every other day. This is not the kind one has for family and friends. This love is far greater than that love. It is love for humankind.
A rare kind of love that lets everything down to help or save a person. It is the sacrificial kind of love. The love that goes out of its way to provide the needed support for a person. The love that puts the next person first. That is the kind of love Jesus showed on the cross and that is the kind of love we should emulate.
This is the true purpose of Easter. It is a time to celebrate that love by giving, sharing, visiting, encouraging and helping one another.
It doesn’t really matter how much we pray or read the bible or go to Church. It doesn’t even matter how much we sing and cry. If this type of love is not found in us, it is a total waste of time. Christianity itself is a religion of love. Sadly we have gone astray and selfishness has become the order of the day.
Nevertheless, it is never too late to do what’s right. While we celebrate, let’s acknowledge those who can not and let’s show this selfless love to them and extend a helping hand.
Happy Easter celebrations. Do have an amazing, fun-filled day.