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Home Automation: Smart & Secure Connectivity At Home

by Adaora Ufere
4 minutes read

Sci-Fi movies have long introduced the idea of home automation even before its creation.

As technology gradually advances, we are being introduced to mind-blowing gadgets and tools. These tools have cool features that enhance the security system in our homes.

Home automation otherwise referred to as Smart Home does the job of monitoring all activities in the home; from accessing the house entrance to smart kitchen gadgets, home automation has helped improve our activities at home.

The history of home automation idea dates back to the invention of electricity, washing machines, and refrigerators, all about a century ago. It wasn’t until 1975 that the first home automation system was developed, the X10  which was a communication protocol for electronic devices used in the home.

Recently, there has been an influx of smart home users in Nigeria as a good number of the citizens have begun to understand its use.  The high rising cities like Abuja and Lagos have recorded a high number of smart home technology usage especially with luxury apartments. With this record, there has been an increase in investments from various sectors in the country.

As a beginner to home automation, one has to consider some factors before setting up a home automation system so as to enjoy its full benefits.

How Smart Homes Work

With the creation of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other connecting systems, the smart home works with an interconnection of various interfaces that integrate with everyday devices using the internet.

There are three main levels of the home automation security system: Sensors, Controllers and Actuators.

  • Sensors – Sensors act as a monitoring tool, they sense any change in the surrounding and send signals to the controllers. Motion detection, change in temperature, daylight and nighttime changes can be sensed using the sensors.
  • Controllers – A major feature in the home automation system is the control feature which are the devices that respond to the changes detected by the sensors. It can be done by either the remote control or voice-assisted control.
  • Actuators – This is the automation feature which receives commands from the controllers. They control the actual function of the automation system such as the light switches in activation and deactivation.

Benefits of Home Automation

Although home automation is thought of as a luxury, the onset of smart devices has increased its popularity and is being incorporated largely in recent times. Home automation has now become easy to use and set up and is also affordable.

Here are some benefits of Home Automation:

  • The idea that one can monitor the changes around the home environment gives a sense of safety. Smart fire detectors, smoke alarms and other security features that come with home automation can help reduce home disasters.
  • Home automation comes with such ease and convenience as devices can be operated at any time and at any location within the house. With a good internet connection, the stress of going manually to put off the air system or the electric cooker is reduced.
  • With the effectiveness of the home automation system, energy can be preserved as one will be mindful of its usage and be able to monitor it. Energy bills can be lesser as one is in control of the duration of the various appliances such as light control
  • From saving money to saving time, there is also a certain comfort that comes with a home automation system. Staying in the comfort of your apartment and operating all the gadgets in the home is a huge benefit.

Getting Started with Home Automation

When starting out with the smart home system, it is advisable to start small, a unit or a space in the home at a time (for example the bedroom or the living room).

Choosing a specific product is also essential, it is not necessary to start with all the devices needed as it can get overwhelming.

Decide the automation type that works best for you, it can be installing smart door locks or light switches. Choose the ideal level of automation that will work best, either through remote controlling or through voice-assisted modes,

Some smart home devices can be expensive, so it is best to start with one device that is highly effective. Research good companies that have more affordable and go for one device at a time.

Brand names also matter in choosing good devices, Apple, Google, Nest, and Amazon are good brand names with high-quality products with about three years of warranty.

Smart home technology strives to make daily life comfortable and convenient and it’s best to understand it before trying out its components. The future of home automation is now and and has a good potential for more improvements in the feature. With each gradual step, one can get acquainted with creating a functional smart home.

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