Why should you eat tomatoes? Are there health benefits associated with tomatoes?
Botanically, tomatoes are classified as fruits since they contain seeds. But for dietary and culinary purposes, tomatoes are classified as vegetables due to their flavour, use in food, and nutritional significance.
Tomatoes are packed with nutrients and few calories, and are a great complement to any diet. Carotenoids found in tomatoes like lutein and lycopene are vital for our bodies. Additionally, these carotenoids have qualities that can shield against prostrate cancer.
Regular consumption of tomatoes guarantees the supply of a variety of nutrients that will improve the way your body functions. Lycopene gives tomatoes their vivid red colour and shields them from the sun’s UV rays, and prevents cell damage. Tomatoes also contain potassium, and the vitamins B and E.
The following are benefits of tomatoes:
1. Protection from free radicals
Lycopene, an antioxidant found in high concentrations in tomatoes, helps to shield the body from harm caused by free radicals. Free radicals can harm cells and play a part in the development of chronic conditions like cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s.
2. Low risk of heart disease
The high concentration of potassium in tomatoes helps to control blood pressure and ward off heart disease. Additionally, the fibre in tomatoes can help lower cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease.
3. Low risk of cancer
Some studies have indicated that the presence of lycopene in tomatoes may help lower the risk of some types of cancer.
4. Weight loss
Tomatoes aid in weight loss. The antioxidants, high fibre content and low calories in tomatoes encourage satiety and even lower calorie intake, aiding in weight loss.
5. Source of vitamin C
Tomatoes, which are classified as vegetables for nutritional reasons, are a good source of the phytochemical lycopene and the vitamin C. The fruits are frequently consumed fresh in salads, cooked as a vegetable, added to a variety of prepared foods, and pickled.
6. Good for pregnant women
Tomatoes are safe to eat while pregnant. One of the nutrients every pregnant woman needs to keep both her and her unborn child healthy is vitamin C. Vitamin C promotes the development of strong bones, teeth, and gums.
7. Increase in male fertility
Lycopene, which is contained in tomatoes, has been shown to increase male fertility by up to 70%.
8. Skin care
Tomatoes are beneficial for the skin. Lycopene is an ingredient used in most of the expensive over-the-counter facial cleansers. Start with eight to twelve tomatoes if you wish to try tomatoes for skin care. Place the tomato’s skin on your face so that the tomato’s interior touches your skin after you’ve peeled it.
9. Heart disease reduction
Tomatoes reduce heart disease. Blood pressure and LDL (low-density lipoprotein), or “bad” cholesterol levels may both be reduced by lycopene. And this reduces the risk of developing heart disease.
10. Improved oral health
Tomatoes help to improve oral health. According to studies, lycopene may combat free radicals to help with the gum disorders gingivitis and periodontitis.