The 2023 Edition of NiRA .NG Awards has begun and it comes with a fresh look.
The NiRA .NG Awards, which began in 2017 is now in its 6th Edition, as it aims to celebrate the achievements and innovation of Nigerian Internet initiatives and also to showcase Nigerian businesses, individuals, charities, and public and private sector organizations that help to make the Internet a more secure, open, accessible, and rewarding experience for all.
Read on to learn more about the award and how to nominate a company, an organisation or an individual’s .NG Website.
According to NiRa, there will be two categories of awards for the year 2023, the Presidential Awards and the General Awards.
Table of Contents
The following award criteria must be met by all nominees of the 2023 .ng Award: The criteria are
- A company, organization, or individual must have registered and is doing business with a .ng domain name.
- The Domain name must have been registered for over twelve (12) months.
- The website associated with the .ng domain name must be active on the internet.
Nomination into the .ng Awards will be opened to the public. The nomination for the awards is open to individual and corporate organizations that meet the .ng Awards criteria.
The .ng Awards committee will review and assess all entries/nominations for eligibility and qualification before the final short-listed nominees are released for public voting via the website.
The committee may re-classify or re-categorize entries and may remove entries that do not meet the entry requirements. Entries that differ substantially from the award criteria will be disqualified without prior notice to the entrants
Voting is open to the general public. While votes are polled from the general public, a committee made up of representatives of NiRA Accredited Registrars, Executive Board Members and the NiRA Secretariat acts as the jury, verifying the results and submitting same to NiRA’s external auditors.
.NG Company of the Year
This award is presented to the organization that promotes innovative service delivery on the Internet.
Best Commercial Banking Website/Portal
This award is presented to the commercial bank website or portal that delivers the best user experience.
Best Insurance Website/Portal
This award is presented to the insurance company website or portal that delivers the best user experience.
Best E-payment Website/Portal
This award is presented to the E-payment company with the best website or portal that delivers the best user experience.
.NG Fintech Company of the Year
This award is presented to the .ng FinTech company with the best financial technology that delivers the best user experience.
Best E-commerce Website/Portal
This award is presented to the E-commerce website with the best website/portal that delivers the best user experience and recognizes excellence for outstanding E-commerce creativity, ingenuity, and innovation.
Best Website/Portal for Tertiary Institutions, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education, and Schools of Nursing
This award is presented to the Institution with the website/portal; based on how current the website is, the level of local content on the website, ease of use, the relevance of the website for delivery of educational services, and how dynamic the website is.
Best Primary/Secondary School Website/Portal
This award is presented to the best Primary/Secondary School with the best. sch. ng website/portal; based on how current the website is, the level of local content on the website, ease of use, the relevance of the website for delivery of educational services, and how dynamic the website is.
Startup Company of the Year
This award is presented to the startup company (companies less than 5 years old) that uses the internet creatively & innovatively to scale up their business and achieve business competitiveness.
Best Local Hosting Company
This award aims to continuously encourage the growth of local website hosting companies, in Nigeria. This award is presented to the best local hosting company in Nigeria.
Best Technology Hub website/portal
This award is presented to the best technology hub that creates innovative infrastructure for skills development in ICT, whilst using its website or portal to promote the growth of entrepreneurs and engage with the local community.
Best Agric-Tech Company of the Year
This award recognizes the best agricultural company that uses technology for farming to improve efficiency and profitability.
Digital Innovation in State Government
This award recognizes the State Government that has invested in technology to promote innovation and local content development.
Digital Innovation in the Federal Government
This award is presented to the best website/portal of the Federal Government that provides the best user experience.
.NG Media Award
The .ng Media Award recognizes excellence in journalism and other media-related activities; based on the level of local and original content promoted. This award category consists of four award groups: Best Print Media Website, Best Online Media Website, Best Electronic Media Website (Television), and Best Electronic Media Website (Radio).
Geeky Nigeria reports that the Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA) believes in the power of the Internet and that the .ng domain name space has a positive impact on the lives of Internet users.
How To Nominate In NiRA .NG Awards 2023
The nomination started on August 24, 2023, and will conclude at midnight on Sunday, September 17th, 2023. After nominations have concluded, the voting stage will commence on Monday, September 25th, 2023, and will conclude at midnight on Tuesday, October 24th, 2023.
The awards ceremony will take place on Friday, November 17th, 2023 and attendance is strictly by invitation alone.
To nominate a .NG Website, visit –