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Willpower: How It Works And How To Train Your Brain

by Adedamola Tinubu
3 minutes read

Willpower, often referred to as self-control, is a fascinating realm of study within psychology and neuroscience. It embodies the ability to resist temptation and persevere in the pursuit of long-term goals.

This article delves into the science behind willpower, the brain regions associated with it, and effective techniques to enhance this vital trait.

The Brain and Willpower

Numerous neuroimaging studies have revealed the neural underpinnings of willpower. These studies have demonstrated that specific brain regions, particularly the prefrontal cortex and the striatum, play a role in exerting self-control.

A comprehensive understanding of this neural foundation represents the initial stride toward enhancing willpower and self-control.

Training Your Brain for Enhanced Willpower

Enhancing willpower is not an elusive concept. It can be nurtured and cultivated through various techniques. Two notable approaches are:

1. Mental Contrasting

This technique involves a two-step process:

  • Vividly Envision Your Desired Future Outcome: Start by creating a clear and vivid mental picture of what you want to achieve in the future. Imagine it in detail, employing all your senses, and immerse yourself in the experience. This step helps you define your goals with precision.
  • Contemplate the Obstacles: In this step, take the time to think about the potential challenges and obstacles that may arise on your journey toward your goals. Recognize these barriers and acknowledge them. This process isn’t about dwelling on negativity but more about preparing yourself to overcome any hurdles you may encounter.

By following these steps, you empower yourself to stay motivated and determined in the face of obstacles, increasing your likelihood of success.

2. If-Then Planning

Employing the “If-Then Planning” method, begin by pinpointing specific situations where you anticipate that your ability to remain calm may be tested. Once identified, create a proactive plan outlining how you will resist temptations when they inevitably arise.

This strategic approach will enable you to maintain your resolve when faced with challenging circumstances, effectively enhancing your ability to be in control.

The Challenge of Sustaining Motivation

Sustaining your motivation as you navigate your journey of self-control can often be challenging. To conquer this, it is essential to shift your focus away from immediate rewards and redirect it toward the long-term advantages associated with achieving your goals.

For instance, instead of becoming fixated on the instant gratification of indulging in a slice of chocolate cake, take a moment to contemplate the lasting satisfaction that comes with being in better shape several months down the line. By emphasizing the enduring benefits of your objectives, you can fortify your determination and motivation for a more disciplined and ultimately successful life.


Willpower is not a fixed ability. It is a trainable skill rooted in the brain’s neural architecture. Understanding the science behind willpower and implementing techniques like mental contrasting and if-then planning can help you strengthen your self-control ability.

By keeping your eyes on the long-term rewards of your goals, you can fortify your willpower and unlock your potential for a more disciplined and successful life.


Researched by Iloh Sandra

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