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Tips On How To Level Up Your Dating Game

by Tobi Akinyede
4 minutes read

Have you been out of a relationship for so long, with little luck finding someone? Then some tips on how to level your dating game are what you need.

True. The dating scene is tough to navigate. Should I text first? What can I text back? Why can’t I meet normal people?

You may even find that the rules of dating have changed. Now, most conversations happen via apps rather than face-to-face.

Still, no matter how difficult it is, you deserve to enjoy dating and meeting new people. Who knows, this year might be your golden opportunity to go on exciting dates.

That’s why we’ve curated some of the best tips on how to level up your dating game.

Let’s get to it then, shall we?

How to Level Up Your Dating Game

Some people see dating as a game because of the methodologies and tactics you can use to succeed. So, like many games, you can make your luck when it comes to dating.

That said, here are some tips on how to level up your dating game.

Find Out What You Want

While dating, focus more on finding what you want rather than becoming what the other person wants.

Not everyone will like you, and that’s completely fine. Pursuing a relationship or setting up a second date has little to do with how likeable you are. It’s more about the compatibility.

However, you can agree that there are people you won’t mind being incompatible with. So, you need to prioritise what you want in a partner.

You don’t want to get caught up in what a person or relationship could be. Rather, focus on whether or not you genuinely enjoy the people you’re talking to.

Be Your Best Self

Dating can highlight some of your insecurities. You start overthinking stuff, like what you say over text and what outfit to wear before a date. Even worse, you start preparing to be ghosted or having a terrible date.

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

Well, to get rid of that anxiety, visualise the best version of yourself. Think about this: are you friendly, comfortable, or confident? What clothes make you feel confident? Does what you wear matter?

Also, always remember that you are a catch. Your date should try to impress you. Plus, visualising your best self helps you relax and enjoy the date more, even if you’re not confident enough.

Keep Your Options Open

A lot of people think they need that K-drama-worthy meet-cute when looking for a relationship. However, you limit your chances when you close yourself off to any meeting that isn’t “rushing to a meeting and running into each other on the sidewalk with papers and files all over the place.”

Don’t let what you see in movies limit you. You can meet amazing people anywhere. It could be during a meeting, on a dating app, while walking your dog, or even in an elevator.

You have a higher chance of meeting new people you’ll enjoy getting to know when you keep more options open. So, try staying open to different possibilities that feel right to you rather than waiting for a meet-cute.

 Ditch That Checklist

We tend to create extensive checklists of prerequisites before thinking about going on a first date. It could be their background, religion, or interests, or maybe you want the other person to be exactly like you.

True. Similarities usually determine compatibility and shared values are crucial. However, you should get to know the other person before making assumptions.

You don’t need a long checklist. What you need are core non-negotiable values, like humour, integrity, and kindness. Also, without a checklist, you focus more on the person in front of you instead of projecting narratives based on a list.

Dating Should Be Fun

Before you step out of the house, always remind yourself that dating should be fun. It shouldn’t be sad, painful, or boring. If dating is anything but fun, then you’re either focusing on the wrong things or putting too much pressure on the dates.

Also, remember that you can get different outcomes from dating. But, the idea is that, with each date, you are closer to clarity.

In conclusion

Going on dates is not just to find a soulmate as quickly as possible, affirm your insecurities, or feed your ego. You want to have a good time while getting closer to a fulfilling and happy life. Meeting new people should be fun, whether or not you would see each other again.

Researched by Iloh Chioma Sandra

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