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10 Ways To Show Your Appreciation For A Gift

by Dara Ekwere
8 minutes read

Everyone finds it enjoyable to get gifts, it is a reality.  People value a well-thought-out gift.

Gifts are delightful, not only because they contain things that one did not buy, but also because they make people happy and frequently make them grin.

Gifts are items given to someone without the expectation of payment. They are particularly special because they demonstrate thoughtfulness and express feelings of appreciation.

Individuals give gifts to mark special occasions, such as birthdays, in weddings, anniversaries, and simply out of kindness. Additionally, travellers often purchase gifts while on vacation to bring back to their loved ones.

Gifts hold significant value for individuals who identify “receiving gifts” as their love language. Many believe that gifts from their partners are a primary way to gauge the depth of their partner’s love.

How we express gratitude for the gifts given to us on special occasions or to celebrate events plays a crucial role in strengthening the relationship we have with the giver. It also makes the giver willing to give more in the future.

Being appreciative of a gift also shows respect for the giver and their intentions, which can help build trust and respect between the two people. If you are confused about ways to show your appreciation for a gift, below are tips on what to do.


  • A Simple “Thank you”

A sincere “thank you” is a simple, yet powerful way to express gratitude for a gift. Those two words carry immense meaning and weight when spoken or written from the heart. Thanking someone makes it clear that their act of giving did not go unnoticed or unappreciated. It validates that their time, effort, and thoughtfulness in selecting that gift made an impact on you. A heartfelt “thank you” ensures the gift-giver knows their generosity matters.

Expressing appreciation can deepen the bond, especially if you elaborate on why their gift felt so special or personal to you both.

Furthermore, taking a moment to say “thank you” demonstrates your gratitude isn’t fleeting, that you’re taking the courtesy to pause and make sure those feelings are conveyed clearly.


  • Send A Thank You Note

At this point, you are probably wondering why you can’t just say thank you by word of mouth. I will let you know that sending a handwritten thank-you note is a much more powerful way to show appreciation for a gift because it carries a personal touch that is increasingly rare in our digital age. By taking the time to hand-write a note, you demonstrate that you invested genuine thought and effort into expressing your gratitude, rather than just saying thank you by word of mouth or sending a quick text or email.

It also allows you to personalise your message in a way that feels more authentic and heartfelt than a generic, pre-printed card or message, and the handwritten note can become a tangible keepsake that the recipient can hold on to and revisit, serving as a lasting reminder of your appreciation. What further makes a handwritten note so special is that in today’s world, receiving a handwritten note has become a rare and cherished experience, making it stand out and feel more special, which will in turn strengthen your connection with the gift-giver.


  • Follow Up With A Call

Following up with a phone call or video call is an excellent way to express sincere gratitude for a gift because it allows for more personal and meaningful interaction, compared to just sending a written thank you. By taking the time and effort to initiate a dedicated call or video chat, you demonstrate that thanking the gift-giver was important enough to be an active priority rather than just a quick text. 

When you speak to someone directly, whether over the phone or through video, you can convey genuine warmth and appreciation through your tone of voice, inflexions, and enthusiastic delivery in a way that simply isn’t possible through text alone. The person on the other end can hear the sincerity in your voice as you expressively thank them for their thoughtful gift.


  • Cook Something Nice For The Gift-giver

Baking or cooking something special for the gift-giver as a small token of appreciation is a thoughtful and personal way to express gratitude. Preparing a homemade meal is considered a meaningful gesture because it shows that you are willing to go the extra mile to put in work as a way to say thank you.

Homemade meals tend to feel more personal and thoughtful compared to a store-bought meal. The fact that it came from your kitchen adds sentimental value. Furthermore, if you know the gift-giver’s favourite meal, making that for them shows you put careful consideration into the gesture based on their tastes and preferences.

Overall, taking the time to bake or cook something delicious specifically for the gift-giver serves as a warm, heartfelt way to say thank you in a thoughtful manner.


  • Put The Gift Into Good Use

You will agree with me that no one likes his/her gift to go unused, as that might make the giver reluctant to give you some other time. To avoid this, it might be good to use the item you have been given. This has a way of making the giver happy, knowing that the gift is not wasting away. It also makes the giver happy to know that he/she did not waste their time and effort getting you that gift.


  • Write a Positive Online Review If The Gift Is A Product Or Service

These days, a lot of gifts come in the form of products, such as those manufactured by the giver e.g. a cream, perfume, etc. It could also come in the form of a service such as a spa date, etc. If you are a beneficiary of such a service, it will be nice to give a positive online review of the product or service.


  • Plan A Special Outing Or Activity To Enjoy Together

Planning a special outing or activity to enjoy together is a great way to show your appreciation for a gift. This can be a unique and memorable experience that you can share with the person who gave you the gift. It could be a day at the spa, attending a concert together, going out for games or having a picnic together.


  • Give The Giver a Gift in Return 

Giving the giver a small, thoughtful gift in return as a token of appreciation is a lovely way to show your gratitude. This is so because the gesture reciprocates the kindness and thoughtfulness the giver showed you. 

By taking the time to select a small, meaningful gift specifically for them, it demonstrates that you didn’t take their generosity for granted. Even a simple, inexpensive item can hold great significance if it’s personalised and reflective of the giver’s interests or your relationship with them. 


  • Volunteer Your Time For A Cause The Giver Cares About As A Way To Pay It Forward

Volunteering your time for a cause the giver cares about is a thoughtful way to pay forward their kindness and generosity. This gesture allows you to honour the giver’s values and interests by supporting a cause that is meaningful to them. It demonstrates that you took the time to understand what matters most to them beyond the physical gift itself. By donating your time and effort to an organisation, charity, or initiative close to the giver’s heart, you are extending their initial act of generosity and creating a positive impact in their name. 


  • If It Is A Book, Write a Personalised Message On The Inside Cover, Expressing Your Appreciation

Writing a personalised message on the inside cover of a gifted book is a thoughtful way to express appreciation because it transforms that book into a cherished keepsake with lasting sentimental value. The inscription provides the perfect space to pen your heartfelt gratitude in a way that ensures the recipient will revisit your warm words and fond memories of receiving the gift each time he/she comes across it. For book lovers, an inscribed book elevates a simple object into a meaningful memoir celebrating your connection with the gift-giver.


There are numerous thoughtful ways to sincerely express appreciation for a gift. While a heartfelt verbal “thank you” is always meaningful, taking the extra step to show your gratitude through actions can make the gesture even more impactful. Whether it’s baking a personal treat, inscribing a cherished book, or simply making time for quality bonding over coffee, these efforts demonstrate you didn’t just passively receive the gift – you truly valued it.

Ultimately, the most powerful way to appreciate any present is by creating a new positive memory with the gift-giver that reaffirms the thoughtfulness behind their initial act of generosity.

Read here: Gifts For Every Mum

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