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8 Tips For A Long Lasting Relationship

by Dara Ekwere
5 minutes read

Ever wondered how some couples manage to keep the spark alive, even after decades together?

In this article, the tips for a long-lasting relationship will be revealed. Get ready to discover the secret to building a long-lasting bond that will help keep the magic in your relationship alive, no matter the years.

Everyone craves a relationship that will stand the test of time, but not many are willing to put in the work to make the relationship or marriage work. Relationship, as with most things in life, is hard work, and to get the most out of it, a great deal of time and effort is required.

Getting into a new relationship can be so much fun, especially during the early stages, where sparks fly and you feel butterflies in your stomach at all times, but over time feelings could change once you get to know each other better and start getting comfortable around each other.

At times like this, it may seem as though the flames have started to fade away, and the feelings have disappeared. Well, I’m here to tell you that this is just a phase, and it happens to the best of us. It is all part of the process.

You should treat your relationship like a GARDEN and NOT A CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. Every relationship needs consistent nurturing, care and maintenance to remain vibrant, quite opposed to just building a sturdy structure and assuming it will stand unchanged. The soil must be tended to, the roots must grow expansively, and in addition, it requires the right environment.

When you treat your relationship like a garden, you will be able to maintain the thrill of love over time, and even deepen feelings of passion and intimacy.

8 Tips To Give You An Idea Of How To Build A Long-Lasting Relationship

1. Communication

The importance of communication in every relationship cannot be overemphasised. You must practise open and regular communication at all times. Be open to discussing everything with your partner, that includes your needs, desires and annoyances.

Don’t let feelings bottle up, nor allow misunderstandings to linger. Do not also keep your partner guessing what the issue might be. Make time for weekly “relationship check-ins” to address any areas for improvement, both personal and professional.

Have daily conversations with each other. Talk to each other about your day, feelings, and experiences throughout the day, as this fosters closeness.

2. Appreciation

You do not have to wait for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries or Valentine’s Day to tell your loved ones how much you appreciate them. This can be done on normal days.

Apart from telling them, you can also show them how much you appreciate them through acts of giving, acts of kindness, compliments and just listening when your partner shares with you.

3. Compromise

In every relationship, you must make room for compromise. Don’t always try to “win” in every conflict. Manage conflicts constructively. There are times when you both might want something differently. In such situations, the best thing to do is to compromise to let the relationship thrive.

4. Make Room For Intimacy

Physical intimacy is important in a relationship for several reasons. It strengthens the emotional bond, fosters closeness, love, and affection between partners, and promotes overall well-being. Physical touch, including non-sexual touch, plays a pivotal role in fostering emotional and physical connection, as well as promoting trust.

Beyond physical intimacy, emotional and mental intimacy is also important. Share goals, dreams and vulnerabilities to foster closeness.

5. Give Each Other Space

Your life in a relationship should not revolve around your partner. It is important to have a life outside of your relationship. Build other great relationships in your family, and places of work, and keep good friends. Try to enjoy your company, and not be dependent on another person to make you happy.

6. Spend Quality Time Together

Devise ways of spending quality time together. Make time to watch movies together, and mix up date nights to continue enjoying new shared experiences. Try new activities together and also activities you both enjoy such as taking walks, going on a trip, trying out new hobbies or trying out a new restaurant. Cooking together also helps strengthen the bond between partners.

7. Forgiveness

No relationship is perfect. Couples must incorporate the habit of forgiving each other for mistakes and move forward if they want to maintain a long-lasting relationship. Preferably, every misunderstanding must be communicated and settled before bedtime as holding onto grudges only hinders growth.

8. Compassion

Compassion is an essential element in a relationship. It builds understanding. When you have compassion for your partner, you seek to understand their perspective even when you disagree. This prevents small issues from ballooning into major conflicts.

Simple acts of consideration let your partner know you are thinking about their well-being. Whether it’s making them a cup of tea when they’ve had a bad day or remembering something important to them, compassion conveys your care and investment in the relationship.

Compassion also nurtures fondness. Looking for the best in your partner and treating them with tenderness helps nourish the affection, respect and appreciation you likely first felt.


While there isn’t an exact blueprint for achieving long-term success in relationships, adopting these suggested tips can increase the likelihood of forming and maintaining strong connections. By implementing these tips, individuals may enhance their communication skills, foster mutual respect, show empathy, prioritise trust, and work towards shared goals.

A happy and long-lasting relationship can only be achieved when you both make a conscious effort to make the relationship work. By being intentional about your relationship, you will keep the spark alive and enjoy the rollercoaster ride.


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