A great relationship is like a fine wine that stands the test of time.
What happens when spoiled grapes get mixed up with the good ones during the processing stage? A bad wine gets produced, sour to the taste, and leaves a grim feeling behind.
This is what happens when one or both partners are cheating in a relationship. They have flushed down the drain, months or years of hard work with no remorse.
They have decided to let their flesh or need for self-gratification override discipline and commitment, leaving emotional wounds behind in the life of the affected partner.
This article explains the meaning of cheating in a relationship, its causes, and the best ways to avoid it. This is important to know if you are in a relationship or planning to go into one soon.
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What Does It Mean to Cheat in a Relationship?
Cheating in a relationship occurs when your emotional, physical, and other needs are met by someone who is not your partner. Different people view cheating from different lenses. These lenses stem from their background, experiences, and beliefs.
For example, a young man might not think he is cheating if he has a female best friend whom he chats with regularly. Meanwhile, his girlfriend views it as cheating because he is supposed to be having these conversations with his girlfriend.
Furthermore, a guy can feel a certain way if his girlfriend is constantly affectionate with other guys. Actions like prolonged hugging, weird handshakes, and unnecessary touches can make him feel uncomfortable.
That is why it is important to effectively communicate what you consider as cheating to your partner in the early stages of your relationship.
Causes of Cheating In a Relationship
Cheating occurs in a relationship based on different reasons. Some of them include:
Poor Self-worth
If one of the partners in a relationship has low self-esteem this can affect how he or she reacts to the opposite sex during certain situations. For instance, a partner with low self-worth can become confident if another person finds them attractive.
Childhood Trauma
Some couples bring baggage from their background and experiences into their relationships. A lady whose father cheated on her mother may find it difficult to trust men. This can in turn lead to infidelity on her part since she thinks her partner is cheating on her.
A partner can cheat as retaliation for an offence committed by the other partner. Anger after an argument, a partner that is never around, and the overall feeling of frustration can cause that partner to cheat.
Contextual Elements
A person can cheat based on the situation they find themselves emotionally or physically. For example, someone in a long-distance relationship and someone who receives attention from a colleague struggle with the temptation to cheat.
Unfulfilled Needs
Imagine you are thirsty and close to a tap. The bad news is this tap is not working properly therefore, you can’t take a drink from it. You have to go to another location to look for a tap that functions well.
Unfulfilled needs like sexual desires and emotional needs can cause one or both partners to cheat.
Some persons will fulfil their selfish desires and dreams if their partner can’t do so. Instead of having a conversation about the issues, they go ahead and find a willing participant outside of their relationship.
Belief System
Belief systems are a big contributor to whether or not a person will cheat in a relationship. For instance, some cultures project the fact that men and women can’t be monogamous. This belief has affected the way people view relationships.
Best Ways To Avoid Cheating In A Relationship
Cheating can be avoided if the best measures are put in place and implemented to the latter.
Nurture Your Relationship
What do you do when you have a garden at your home? You water the flowers, remove the weeds, and prune the flowers when necessary. That is exactly what you should do in your relationship. Water your relationship by doing things to increase the bond between you and your partner. Work on the challenges you face in having a fulfilling relationship and discard practices that have contributed negatively to your relationship.
Know Your Partner
Go the extra mile to know your partner. Know their love language and how they want to be loved. Know their hobbies, dreams, and aspirations. Know the personal things they struggle with and find out ways to help them. Be their biggest fan.
Stay Clear of Compromising Situations
Imagine putting your fingers into a burning flame. Most people will never do that except in life-threatening situations. But why do you do this in your relationship? Instead of setting boundaries with a co-worker who has feelings towards you, you encourage their actions, making them bolder.
Take a step back, set boundaries, and stay clear of compromising situations.
Do Something Different
Do something different to spice up your relationship. Take a course or learn a new language with your partner. Try out a fun activity like playing games, painting, and others that you have never done. Enter a rollercoaster and scream out your lungs while reliving the fun moments you have had with each other.
Be Transparent
Imagine looking through the horizon through the glass of a high-rise building. You see the city laid out before you in all its glory. That’s how transparent you should be in a relationship if you want to avoid cheating. Do not go behind closed doors to pick up calls and do not make important decisions without letting your partner know.
Stay Committed
Staying ahead in relationships surpasses the feeling of butterflies you had during its early stages. Those butterflies can’t keep you going but being committed can. Standing by your decision to be in a relationship with that person, being disciplined, and having self-control to weather the storms that will come.
People need to know that relationships are not a walk in the park. The same commitment and dedication you give to your careers and business should be given to your romantic relationships. They should not be left to run on autopilot due to several reasons. Furthermore, using the tips mentioned above will help you have a fulfilling relationship.
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