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Best Nutrition For Athletes

by Adeyemi Queen
3 minutes read

Nutrition is a very important aspect of an athlete’s life.

Diet affects performance capacities greatly because it forms the core of the recovery and wellness processes.

Sportspersons undergo a lot of physical strain and to give their best performance a large amount of energy is required. Thus, the choices of diet can influence their performance and, further, their well-being.

Key Nutrients for Athletes

1. Carbohydrates

The basic role of carbs is to offer fuel for the athletes during workouts and other related activities as well as competition. Complex carbohydrates emanating from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes are the best since they provide long-lasting energy.

2. Proteins

Protein is needed to help build muscles, which plays a special role in repairing the muscles.

A balance for recovery and performance intake should be attained and lean protein should be consumed including; chicken, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes and nuts.

3. Fats

Athletes must incorporate healthy fats into their diets since they are a concentrated form of energy. Sources such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil foods are useful in serving the body energy and other essential nutrients.

4. Vitamins and Minerals

Sportsmen and sportswomen require more nutrients in their bodies due to the energy they burn in their activities and general body pressure.

Several micronutrients including iron, calcium, vitamin D and antioxidants from fruits and vegetables must be taken in the right proportions to allow the body to function optimally and to recover quickly.

Meal Timing and Hydration

A proper schedule of meals and snacks should be linked with training sessions to have the best outcomes.

When it comes to the timing of the meals, carbohydrates that are taken together with proteins in the form of a balanced meal within 2-3 hours before an exercise can adequately feed the muscles and thus fuel the exercise session.

Hydration and nutrition are very essential in post-exercise and the body requires more protein to repair the muscles that were broken down during the exercise.

Another equally important point of athlete nutrition is the consumption of fluids. Fluids are crucial in the body, especially for individuals exercising, this is because it is required that one intakes fluids pre-, during and post-exercise.

Sodium and potassium are used in the regulation of the fluid and body balance and their intake should be made during intense training.

Developing a Healthy Eating Plan

General nutrition is recommended for athletes and the main strategy is to include an assortment of nutrient-dense foods.

Increasing the intake of foods such as; fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, and healthy fats will help the muscles and the entire body to receive the nutrients it needs for the performance of its tasks. They also need to focus on their diet, especially trying to stay as far away from processed foods, as trying to avoid sugars and unhealthy fats.

Consulting with a Nutritionist

Although there are recommendations that can be helpful [to some extent], every athlete is an individual, and his/her requirements for nutrition will differ due to factors such as age, gender, type of sport, intensity of training, and other components.

It is always recommended to consult a sports nutritionist or registered dietitian who can give advice depending on the client’s requirements and choices.


It can be stated that nutrition is one of the key factors that can make an athlete shine.

It has been established that athletes can benefit much from strategies in macronutrient distribution, meal frequency, adequate intake of water and other beverages and overall diet quality.

The values in question can be defined as the key principles that, if followed by athletes, will assist in achieving one’s maximum in sport and in life.

Read also: Nutrition And Sports Performance In Schools

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