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Children’s Special: Gadgets And Applications That Help Kids With Disabilities

by Adeyemi Queen
2 minutes read

Technology plays a crucial role in the lives of children with disabilities.

Gadgets and applications assist them in their day-to-day activities.

Equipment such as communication applications, hearing aids, sensory toys, and assistive technology enhance learning and communication abilities.

Some of the apps include Proloquo2Go for speech and language development, Live Transcribe for communication, and Endless Reader for reading for children with learning disabilities, as well as the use of gadgets like weighted blankets and fidget spinners for sensory processing.

Products such as Braille keyboards and switch-adaptive toys are designed for children with visual or physical disabilities. These technologies enable children with disabilities to be independent and integrated into society.

As a result of changing technology needs, technology products for children with disabilities are frequently being developed.

For example, speaking plates and eye-tracking systems enable children with limited mobility to express themselves and use tablets mounted on their wheelchairs to access necessary information.

Applications like Prodigy Math Game and Reading Rockets assist children with learning disabilities in learning math and reading, respectively, while also enjoying the process.

Smartwatches and GPS trackers are useful for children with cognitive disabilities to ensure their safety and protection.

In general, these gadgets and applications help children with disabilities have a better quality of life and foster their growth and development.

Examples of Applications That Help Kids with Disabilities 


An application for those who are non-verbal and need an AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) device.

Special Words:

An application that can be tailored to develop picture and word flashcards.

Communication Aid:

The project is an uncomplicated application for people with speech disorders.

Live Caption:

Helps those with hearing difficulties by offering subtitles for videos as they are being shown.


AAC application that can assist autistic, CP and Down syndrome clients.


Assists in finding places which are friendly to wheelchairs.

Be My Eyes:

A service that helps visually impaired people find sighted persons willing to help them.

Seeing AI:

Helps the visually impaired persons in their day-to-day activities by using Artificial Intelligence.

Sensory Apps:

Children with sensory processing disorders can benefit from sensory apps such as Sensory Speak Up and Sensory Baby.


An application for the development of augmentative and alternative communication for non-verbal children.

AbleNet Small Talk:

An application that concentrates on the language development of the disabled children.

Tobii Dynavox:

Provides communication aids and applications for speech and language-impaired kids.


An app that children with dysgraphia or any difficulty in writing can use to solve math problems.


Offers a variety of applications for kids with communication disorders.

Read also: Bridging The Gap In Children Living With Disabilities 

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