We have reached end of year for 2019, and our students are already looking forward to 2020 in hopes of better academic performance.
On September 16th, 2019, when students resumed new classes. It was significantly noticed, as common with other terms, that performance varied to a large extent.
We then, so disturbed gathered the stats as to how this might be possible, leading to a crucial find, which from the analysis of performance levels of students in selected schools brought about consistency.
From average, it was discovered that the lowest performance level for any year is in first term.

The grades of a student in first term doesn’t speak for the child potential performance. This is because, a change in environment has a psychological effect on the child, from primary to secondary, junior secondary to senior secondary, or even within a school, and moreso, location. Although, it is uncommon to some students, most would take time to adjust to the new settings.
Several factors account for better performance in second term, one of which is adaptation. The student is no longer strange to the class, and can move along with elements in it. Other factors include determination, mental development, and pressure from home.
In third term, the student is well-versed in the environment, and this to a large extent is a big plus. Learning isn’t as hard as it initially was. Although, the student still has weak points, which might not be seriously considered. But then, as the examinations of third term are promotion exams, there will be a blend of first term and second term work with key ones from third term. This therefore means the student would revise first term and second term topics, while understanding the key ones from third term. An understanding of this, being brought to light by most teachers to students, would lead to better academic performance.
Geeky Nigeria brings to you the Academic Calendar for the 2019/2020 season, as approved by Lagos State Ministry of Education.

For Teachers, more effort should be put in, to ensure that students perform well academically. Students should be strictly guided after each lesson so that they don’t lose track. Classworks should be given frequently to test their understanding of the lesson, as well as well thought out assignments, for them to go further, thereby understanding the lesson. Tests should be conducted on Resumption to test the students’ state academic-wise. Weekly test should also be conducted, along with timed class discussions. Giving your very best with added value should cause the much needed change, and much more importantly, work selflessly.
Parents should not let the painstaking efforts of teachers to be in vain. On their part, they should consistently monitor the academic progress of their children, ensure that they do assignments (providing guidance), limit the level of play, buy essential textbooks, attend school events (most especially PTA and Open Day).
When teachers and parents do their part well, the child performs better.