Kindness is the act of being friendly, generous and considerate towards others. Kindness is a value that holds a lot of power. It can positively impact both ourselves and those …
Eniola Ikhazuangbe
- EducationLifestyleNews
Children’s Special: Why Are Festivals Celebrated In A Particular Time?
by Eniola Ikhazuangbe 3 minutes readFestivals are special events or celebrations that are held annually or periodically, often tied to cultural, religious, or traditional significance. These celebrations hold a special place in the hearts of …
- LifestyleNewsParenting
Children’s Special: Top 4 Educational Cartoons For Children To Watch
by Eniola Ikhazuangbe 3 minutes readChildren are naturally drawn to cartoons, and while they may provide entertainment, they can also be educative and valuable for learning. Educational cartoons can help children learn important skills such …
- LifestyleNews
Children’s Special: Different Cultures And Their Morals
by Eniola Ikhazuangbe 3 minutes readMorals are the rules or guidelines that help us understand what is right and wrong. Every culture has its own set of morals that are passed down from generation to …
- EducationNews
Children’s Special: Ways To Identify Special Art Skills In Children
by Eniola Ikhazuangbe 3 minutes readArt skills refer to the abilities used to create visual artworks, including drawing, painting, and other mediums. Developing art skills involves mastering various materials and tools, while also developing creativity, …
- Education
Children’s Special: Reasons Folktales Are Told At Night
by Eniola Ikhazuangbe 3 minutes readFolktales are traditional stories passed down through generations by word of mouth. They are often rooted in a culture’s history, beliefs, and values. Folktales have been shared for centuries, entertaining …
- LifestyleNews
Children’s Special: 5 Modest Ways To Make Your Kids Stand Out
by Eniola Ikhazuangbe 3 minutes readParents desire their children to succeed and stand out in the crowd. While it’s natural to want our kids to excel and shine, it’s important to encourage them to do …
- LifestyleNews
Children’s Special: Traditional Code Of Dressing For Children
by Eniola Ikhazuangbe 3 minutes readA traditional code of dressing refers to a set of guidelines or norms that govern the way people dress in a particular culture, community, or society based on established customs, …
- LifestyleNews
Children’s Special: Importance Of Learning Traditional Language As A Child
by Eniola Ikhazuangbe 3 minutes readTraditional language refers to the language or dialect that has been passed down through generations within a particular culture, community, or region. Language is an important aspect of culture and …
- InspirationLifestyle
10 Ways To Show That You Love Someone (Romantic & Casual)
by Eniola Ikhazuangbe 4 minutes readLove is a powerful emotion that we all express in different ways, both romantically and casually. It’s a feeling that penetrates our hearts and souls. Be it a romantic partner, …