Blockly may be the answer to learning coding easily and with a lot of fun. Let’s look at the principles of Blockly and how you can start coding right now …
Oluchi Gladys
- LifestyleNewsPersonal Development
Children’s Special: 4 Reasons Why You Should Teach Empathy And Kindness To Children
by Oluchi Gladys 3 minutes readThe qualities of compassion and empathy are more important than ever in a world that frequently seems to be driven by competition and rivalry. A civilisation that is compassionate is …
- NewsTechnology
Children’s Special: Using Technology To Study Living Things (Bioinformatics)
by Oluchi Gladys 4 minutes readThe fascinating discipline of bioinformatics has emerged from the combination of biology and technology. This multidisciplinary field examines and interprets massive amounts of biological data by blending computer science, biology, …
- NewsTechnology
Children’s Special: Making Cool Stuff With 3D Printing As A Child
by Oluchi Gladys 4 minutes readThe technique of producing three-dimensional items from a digital file is called additive manufacturing, or 3D printing. Layer by layer, 3D printing adds material to make an object, in contrast …
- AgricultureNews
Children’s Special: 5 Solid Steps To Growing Potatoes In A Bag
by Oluchi Gladys 4 minutes readGrowing potatoes in a bag is ideal when you have poor garden soil or no proper ground for planting. Enjoying freshly grown potatoes at home without requiring a regular garden …
- LifestyleNewsTechnology
Children’s Special: 5 Positive And Safe Ways To Use The Internet As A Child
by Oluchi Gladys 4 minutes readWith so many tools for social interaction, education, and entertainment, the internet has become an essential component of our everyday life. The Internet has been a fantastic instrument for learning …
Bedtime is a very important time of the day. Overall health and well-being depend on getting a decent night’s sleep. You may improve the quality of your sleep and wake …
- EducationLifestyle
4 Helpful Heath Care Tips To Boost Maternal Mental Health
by Oluchi Gladys 4 minutes readMaternal mental health is something families need to prioritise, just as much as they focus on the newborn. Becoming a mother is a wonderful life change for every woman. This …
- EducationTechnology
The Future Of Agriculture In Nigeria: AgriTech Insights
by Oluchi Gladys 4 minutes readAgriculture has long been the backbone of the country’s economy after Petroleum. This is true for a considerable section of the population and a large portion of Nigeria’s GDP. Modern …
- EducationInspiration
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Embracing Your Strengths And Accomplishments
by Oluchi Gladys 3 minutes readOften called the “impostor complex,” Pauline Clance, PhD, initially referred to it as the “impostor phenomenon.” Imposter syndrome is the psychological experience of feeling like a fake or a phony …