GNG Writers’ Code Of Ethics

Geeky Nigeria, as an online platform promotes excellence in technology, education, and lifestyle.

We recommend principles of conduct for our writers. These principles take into account the important role in writing, editing, and developing materials and the potential of the products of their efforts to inform, educate, and influence audiences.

To uphold the dignity and honor of, volunteer writers should accept these ethical principles and engage only in activities that bring credit to their profession, to, and to themselves.

Principle 1

Writers should recognize and observe statutes and regulations pertaining to the materials they write, edit, or otherwise develop.

Principle 2

Writers should apply objectivity, scientific accuracy and rigor, and fair balance while conveying pertinent information in all media.

Principle 3

Writers should write, edit, or participate in the development of information that meets the highest professional standards, whether or not such materials come under the purview of any regulatory agency. They should attempt to prevent the perpetuation of incorrect information. Writers should accept assignments only when working in collaboration with a qualified specialist in the area, or when they are adequately prepared to undertake the assignments by training, experience, or ongoing study.

Principle 4

Writers should work only under conditions or terms that allow proper application of their judgment and skills. They should refuse to participate in assignments that require unethical or questionable practices.

Principle 5

Writers should expand and perfect their professional knowledge and communications skills.

Principle 6

Writers should respect the confidential nature of materials provided to them. They should not divulge, without permission, any patent, proprietary, patient, or otherwise confidential information.

Principle 7

Writers can sometimes be appreciated with remuneration and acknowledgment for their services. However, this should not be expected. They should honor the terms of any contract or agreements into which they enter.

Principle 8

Writers should consider their membership in an honor and a trust. They should conduct themselves accordingly in their professional interactions.

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