Previously on Lonely Days; Yaremi refused to pick a man at the cap-picking ceremony. She became ostracised in the village. Segi arrived in Kufi village to defend her mother. They …
Literature in English
Finally, Yaremi’s children appeared to speak on behalf of their mother in chapter 13. I low-key always wondered why they were never there for her through her early days as …
Previously on Lonely Days (Chapter 11) Yaremi was to finally pick a cap; an authority, a man to shield her head, a breadwinner. Numerous caps were placed before her. Caps …
CHAPTER 11 It’s cap-picking ceremony day. The last cap-picking ceremony took place ten years ago when Dedewe, Foyoyin, and Radeke, three widows, had the opportunity to choose new men. If …
Yaremi found out that she was leaning more and more towards masculinity – the way she walked; the way she talked, each time she had to call someone within a …
The women of Kufi village couldn’t decide which one was best; To be trapped in a polygamous marriage or to be trapped in days of loneliness – days that affirm …
Taffeta cloths were hot in Kufi village and beyond, but was it really the taffeta cloths or Yaremi’s taffeta cloths? Ohh! Yaremi’s taffeta clothes – if Yaremi was a real …
Woye is seen tearing a piece of meat with his teeth violently. Soup stains are all over his cheeks and shirt. Yaremi walks in and sees her grandson. Yaremi: All …
Yaremi was idle. Surprised? I am too. (If you’re wondering why we are surprised. Please go and read from chapters 2 – 5) She sat outside idly; unconsciously listening to …
Yaremi could not sleep, her mind was troubled. Her eyes drifted to a moth, trying to put out her hurricane lantern. It finally went out and Yaremi lay quietly in …