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How Students Obtain Fake Degree Certificates in Nigeria

by Geeky Nigeria
3 minutes read

In Nigeria, fake degree certificates black market has become sophisticated, making it easy to buy a certificate now more than ever before.

Some employers, these days, no longer request for supporting documents but instead require potential employees to demonstrate their skills. This has made internship and on job training to become popular.

Students in this program are cheating their way into graduation by purchasing assignment essays and earning grades without understanding the course content.

Therefore, for employers, knowing the ways by which students obtain these fake degree certificates would help forestall unmerited employment. Beside that, students who go through these means of obtaining certificates are more likely incompetent to perform their jobs well, as they lack core values.

They get these fake degree certificates not because they want to make meaningful impact or develop the company, but because they desire the huge pay that accompanies the Job. For this reason, they would would imbibe that fraudulent habit in their work.

Here are ways by which students obtain fake certificates;

Dark web

The Dark Web is part of the Internet that isn’t found in search engines. It allows students to remain untraceable. They utilize special programs to access this part of the web, and it is a hub for illegal activity.

Through the dark web, students are able to purchase fake degree certificates from anonymous sellers. The act in itself, risky, as these sellers can as well fraudulently take off.

Employers should be mindful of the possibility of fake certificates, and ensure to verify with the issuing institutions or a background check company such as Educheck Nigeria

Compromising the System

At times, female students utilize favour from the personal interests of male lecturers.

It is sometimes called ‘sexually transmitted grades’ (STG), in which lecturers demand sex in exchange for credits.

Although, there is uncertainty, as to how many lecturers these ladies will lay to acquire a degree.

Essay Writing Services

Essay writing services in Nigeria is becoming widespread, as evidenced by the number of online platforms where students can buy essays.
Students provide instructions, and the online service hires a writer to complete the task.

Without proper understanding of the topic, the essay will only go as far as for credits, and when asked to defend, these students become stranded.

Tutor Hiring

This is common in Distant Leaning Institutes (DLI) by which students in an online degree programme hire tutors to go about their academic activities.

A student might not attempt even a single assignment let alone read, shoving the whole lot to a hired tutor.

Hence, unless some some form of online presence is needed, all they need do is wait for graduation date.

Certificate Design

Students who couldn’t access the black market or hire a tutor would resort to designing the certificate.
A sample is all they need, and they would in ,the best possible way, pattern it to look exactly similar to the original.

These fake degree certificates are often used on gullible employers, usually found in small companies. Certificates of this kind are not legalised, and can lead to the eventual arrest of the student.
So students are strictly warned to stir clear from issues of fake certificates to avoid future complications. Employers, on their end, should get smarter.

Read also: Factors to Consider Before Choosing a School in Nigeria

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