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How Selfishness Impairs Our Ability

by Rukayyat Abdullah
1 minutes read

When people want something all for themselves without caring about how others feel, they tend to be selfish.

Selfishness makes people think highly of themselves and lowly of others. This act is the major reason why a nation falls apart. It leads to hatred and destruction in an organisation.

Whenever we disregard others and neglect them, we tend to make them feel angry and inferior. The feeling of inferiority is what triggers most humans to work hard and do whatever it takes to reach a position of superiority to prove they are not inferior to anyone.

Whether in politics, or any institution, people who are selfish do not progress because instead of taking their share and make good use of it, they are too busy fighting for other people’s share to add to theirs.

Selfishness makes people do the unwanted. So to stop or reduce our selfish acts, we should:

  • Think about our well being.
  • Think and care for others.
  • Utilize our precious time to do what’s right.
  • Avoid violating our right and the right of others.

No one deserve to be treated with inferiority, no matter what. Irrespective of our background, social status, religion, age or environment, treat everyone with love and love shall find you.

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