Opportunity they say comes but once. Sounds cliché, right? Yes I know, but it’s an old truth that has come to stay like the sands in seashore.
I’ve seen so many give excuse of not having a second chance on opportunity, as their reason for failure. But what do we say to one who’s presented a second chance but prefers to dwell on the mistakes and failures of past opportunity?While still admiring the courage of a man over 70 years old, who carefully wrote down his 2022 new year resolutions, came in a call from a friend who threatened to commit suicide since she didn’t get married in 2021 after being “used and dumped” by her boyfriend whom she’s been in a relationship with for over 2 years.Now what shocked me the most was when she cried, “Oh God, why didn’t you make me pregnant for him?”. I asked her, did you hear what you just said? And she said, “of course yes, at least it would’ve been a compensation for me this year 2022, since I couldn’t get married in 2021”. I asked again, what if he rejects you and the baby? “It doesn’t matter, the child will keep reminding me of my love for him”, she replied.Now to me, this is the height of stupidity and enslavement to love! I mean, isn’t this like one asking God to bless her in the act of fornication ?Besides, isn’t it written that the man (husband) loves the woman (wife) while the female folks are to be submissive? Why should the female love or be submissive to a man that doesn’t love her?Okay now, I know you think I’m being too religious and spiritual? (Please feel free to air your disagreements or opinions).In this year 2022, we need to be careful of what we wish ourselves and the kind of future we plan for ourselves, because we’ll live in it, good or bad.Fortunately, I was able to get a friend down to her place before she carries out her threat and leave us heart broken this new year.There, is an old man who’s being hopeful on life, and here’s a promising young lady, luckily coming out from a harmful relationship and given an opportunity to get healed, improve on her personality and start afresh, trying to give up because she think she’s a loser..You didn’t achieve anything significant in 2021? There’s 2022! Another window of opportunity has been opened. Opportunity to live again has been given to you. Opportunity to try again has been given to you.Grab it! Stand Up! Get Lifted! Stay Uplifted!
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