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Bournvita Tech Boot Camp 2021: How To Register And Participate

by Geeky Nigeria
2 minutes read

Submission of entries for the 2021 edition of Bournvita Tech Boot Camp is now underway, and expected to close July 31.

The 2021 Bournvita Tech BootCamp is in parnership with Edusko and Techeduhub. In the bootcamp, participating children will get to learn the coolest things, ranging from Coding to Artificial Intelligence.

There is no fee for participation as it is FREE.

According to Bournvita, the past two editions of the Bournvita Tech Bootcamp were eye opening! Children who came in with little to no knowledge about technology end up building AI prototypes!

The maiden edition of the bootcamp held in 2019 was live, as Cadbury Bournvita, in collaboration with Edusko Africa and Techeduhub, organised a free five-day Tech Bootcamp for 50 children between the ages of 8 and 16.

The 2020 virtual edition was during the during the early days of COVID-19 pandemic, where physical meetings were discouraged. hence, it was perfomed online.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t as pervasive as it was in JUly 2020, the bootcamp will still be conducted virtually.

If you happen to miss the virtual edition last year or you were in the dark, you can apply for this years edition:

How to Register For Bournvita Tech Boot Camp 2021

  1. Click to open form – https://bit.ly/3kgJOvc. This will open Google Form, where you can fill your details and that of your child.
  2. Upload a video (no longer than 60 seconds) sharing how technology interests your child/children and how Bournvita gives them the strength to achieve their tech dream.
  3. Tag them and use these hashtags when posting: BournvitaTechBootcamp2021 #StrengthToDream.

Your child stands a chance of being selected to participate in this year’s edition of the boot camp. Moreover, it is free, which means it is advantage for you to train your children on emerging technologies that will benefit them in the nearest future..

My take is.. it is worth trying.

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