How do you feel when the cool breeze caresses your skin after the sun has gone back to its dwelling? How do you feel when each molecule of cold water goes down your oesophagus after a run up and down the hill?
Have you ever had to seek the refuge of a tree when the sun is burning your skin? Do you remember when your grandma would tell you stories of old while the moon smiled at you?
Imagine living in a world without the beauty of the world — nature. Imagine where there is no sun in the cloud to kiss your forehead in the morning. Imagine having no flowers to release its magical fragrance in the garden when birds are returning to their nests.
Can you imagine how the world would be without nature? Yes, you can — A world without beauty and fragrance, a world void of freshness and glow, a world with nothing fascinating and awesome.
What would be the essence of life without nature? Life would be boring, unattractive, uninteresting, unexciting. In fact, Life would be dead!
That was not an exaggeration; that is what it really is. Nature is powerful than you can imagine.
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines nature as the physical world and everything in it (such as plants, animals, mountains, oceans, stars, etc.) that is not made by people. It goes further to say that nature is the natural forces that control what happens in the world.
Can you see how powerful nature is? Life and nature are inevitable. If nature ceases, then life ceases. Man cannot survive without nature. Man can do nothing without nature.
One important element in nature is air and the most important to man of all its constituents is oxygen. You sure know how important oxygen is to you. Imagine if the whole race of man has to manufacture their oxygen, we would have been short of it.
Oxygen available in hospitals is not without a cost. Can we produce the amount of oxygen that will serve 7.9 billion people living on earth as of May 2021 ? Even if we can, can we all afford to pay for it? It’s unarguably NO!
The power of the trees, shrubs, and other plants can not be overemphasized. Have you heard of photosynthesis? National geographic society defines photosynthesis as the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.
Plants make use of nature (i.e. sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide) to produce oxygen and food for the plant (i.e. energy in the form of sugar). The oxygen that is being utilized by man wouldn’t have been produced if there were no nature.
Sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide contribute to the generation of food for plants which later became food for man. If it was impossible for plants to generate their food by making use of the gift of nature, what would man feed on? If you say man would feed on animals, so what would the animals feed on? Plants!
Water is life. Do we talk about its cooling therapy on the body after being knocked out by the scorching sun? Do we talk about how it revives your soul and body when your body is out of its supply? How about how it helps to change mere leaves to something palatable when they are passed through the heat?
How about how it helps to change the flesh of animals into something tantalizing that would send signals to your mouth and stomach?
There would be nothing like fishes, turtles, crocodiles, whales, and lots more if there were no nature to support their existence. These animals survive and found solace in water bodies such as streams, rivers, oceans, and so on.
Away from survival, how about we talk about the beauty it brings to life? Let’s talk about the memories it has created. How about how it helps to bring two lovers together and the melodies it put in their heart?
“Roses are red, violets are blue; your presence plays string in my heart.” Someone somewhere is probably singing that to someone. Now, can you imagine if there were no flowers? What would spice up our love? What would bring fragrance to our candle night date?
Nature is not just powerful, it is beautiful. The sun welcomes you to another beautiful day, says goodnight as it unveils its yellow beauty only to give way for radiant moon and twinkle stars to dominate the night.
The oceans display their magnificence through their waves. The trees dance to the rhythm of the wind while the flowers show off their beauty when the sun is up and shining.
What a beautiful thing to behold! The birds singing on the trees and the butterflies showing their charm around colourful flowers. The peacock revealing its dazzling feathers as the most handsome and adorable in the kingdom. The monkeys swinging and jangling from trees to trees while protecting their treasures— ripe bananas.
Nature is powerful! We cannot deny it! Its power is in beauty! Its power is in its ability to give life! Its power is in its independence