Goals are set down aims, aspirations and objectives that goal-getters and vision-makers put into action in order to make their goals realistic.
Unrealistic goals are absolutely unattainable, this is because the vision line is weak and totally unimaginable. Great achievers who have gotten to their height of stardom set down realistic goals and put them into action. Majority make unrealistic goals, you will discover the answers and responses of people when you ask them of their goals.
If as student. “ I want to buy a car”, “ I want to travel abroad”, “ I want to buy a house” and so many luxurious wishes. Yes, I call it wishes because they are out of context and are totally unrealistic. Everybody want to buy a car as well as build beautiful houses, but at that phase of your life as a student, your goals should be targeted as being for example; “the best graduating student in your session, “attaining or aspiring for scholarships and so many goals linked to that phase at the point in your life.
Do you know that creating a realistic goal is a leadership skill?. Yes, it is. A good leader makes realistic goals. Now, the question is, how can we create a realistic goals?. I always tell my friends that you are never too old to set another goal, no matter the history of past goals you have penned down that has worked or never worked out for you. For you to create a realistic goal, you need to stay FOCUSED.
Staying focused is pretty difficult. Our country alone is filled with distractions and challenges here and there, which gives us less time to have a rethink of who we truly are and if our existence is worth living. All you have to do is to have a determined mind. You look at yourself in the mirror and speak positivity to that goal (no matter how difficult the goals may seem), “Priscilla it’s time to make a difference, let’s do this today, let’s do that today”. Ditch out all forms of “ I cannot do spirit”. At this point of your life all your actions and words have to filled with positivity. Just focus and believe you can do everything.
Seeing your written goals, it might seem impossible but in the long run through intense focus, discipline, hard work and determination that goals will definitely be attainable and achievable.
The next method of creating a realistic goal is what I call, “WORK IT OUT”. We have two unique explicit goals which is common to many, long term goals and short term goals. Goals are not meant to be written down in papers or rough book or saved in your diary book, they are deliberately and intentionally worked on. Listen my dear readers, if your goals are not worked upon, how will they become realistic? Or do you think God will come down from heaven to perform a magic on the goals you penned down yourself?. Even the Bible says , “FAITH WITHOUT WORK IS DEAD”. So even if you have a strong faith and believe that your goals will become a reality some day, you have to put that faith into action.
On to TIME MANAGEMENT, I am so sorry to make this hurtful statement but some set of people today and passionate procrastinators, it’s like you are cajoling them or motivating them to be goal setters and dream builders in life. The funny truth about this is that, even when the goals are penned down it’s becomes very difficult to work upon because the goal set is attributed by the presence of poor time management skill. Time is an investment, use it wisely.
The next one is, LET GO OF THE PAST. Don’t use the past to comprehend and take present decisions. Let the past remain in the past.
In the past, goals penned down might be so good, that you decided not to let go of the failure of the past, so you find it difficult to make better and realistic goals. It is not so ,failure is not a death sentence, it is a pathway to success, why not forget the past, face the future by penning down realistic and achievable goals now?.
Let’s draw the curtain here by talking about FEAR. Do you know that fear is a dream killer and goal killer, Do you know it is a deadly venom that kills goals?. Fear brings doubt. It makes a goal-setter blind, you begin to see no reason why your penned realistic goals is unachievable. It creates a negative picture and bad imagination in your sub conscious mind.
I don’t know your history but all I want you to Know is that, you are unique, you are awesome, you are dynamic, you are spectacular and you were born to rule and win. You can’t be a limitation to your success simply because of fear. Face your goal, work towards it and make positive actions. This can only be possible through a leap of Faith.
Why don’t you pen your goals right now, as you are reading this?. The clock is ticking?. It’s always seem impossible until it is certainly done. You can do it my dear, pick up your pen, make a realistic goals and change the world. Your positive change is what the world needs today.