Geeky Nigeria brings to you the Scheme of Work for 2nd term, 2021/2022 session by Lagos State Government Ministry Of Education.
Teachers can utilise the online scheme, if the hardcopy isn’t available. Students can access the topics to read and plan ahead for next term.
The Scheme of Work for English is divided into: Oral, Structure, Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Words for the Week.
Table of Contents
Week 1
a. Welcome test
Review of Vowel & Consonant Sounds.
b. Structure
Prefixes and suffixes.
c. Words for the week
Week 2
a. Structure
Preposition and prepositional phrases.
b. Comprehension
(Listening skill)
c. Vocabulary development
c. Words for the week
Week 3
a. Oral
Consonant cluster. e.g /kw/, /str/, /spr/.
(ii) formula: c v c.
b. Structure
- Present tenses.
- Past tenses.
- Past participle.
- Present continuous.
- Past continuous.
- Present perfect.
- Past perfect.
c. Writing
Formal letter – A letter to the chairman of your local government area or any agency requesting some amenities needed in your community.
d. Words for the week
Week 4
a. Comprehension
- Reading to comprehend the meaning of the word in the content.
- Summary
b. Oral
Words of four syllables stressed on the first, second, third syllable.
c. Structure
- Words that are exactly the same meaning.
- Words that are nearly the same meaning.
d. Vocabulary development
a. Other expressions in religions:
- Converts
- Fanatic
- Atheist
- Matyr
e. Words for the week
Week 5
a. Structure
Phrasal verbs:
- Identification of a phrasal verb.
- Relationship with adverbial places e.g come across, come away, come around, come through, etc
b. Comprehension
- Identification of main points or ideas.
- Recognition of the writer’s mood, tone, and purpose
- Identification of topic sentences and supporting sentences in the passage.
c. Writing
Expository essay: Drug abuse or Child abuse.
d. Words for the week
Week 6
a. Oral
- Rising tune
- Falling tune
b. Structure
Main verbs: Present and Past.
c. Vocabulary development
Words associated with photography
d. Summary
Writing summary
d. Words of the week.
Week 7
a. Mid Term Tests
b. Open Day Break
Mid Term Holiday
c. Words for the week
Week 8
a. Structure
Auxiliaries: Present/Past:
- Will – Would
- Shall – Should
- May – Might
- Can – Could
b. Vocabulary development
Words associated transportation.
c. Writing
Speech writing:
- Welcome address
- Send off speech
- Vote of thanks
- Farewell address
d. Words for the week
Week 9
a. Oral
Consonant sounds:
- Contrasting consonants: /s/ and /z/
b. Structure
Punctuation marks:
- Period/ full stop (.)
- Comma (,)
- Question mark (?)
c. Writing
Argumentative essay: Indeed democracy is better than military rule.
d. Words for the week
Week 10
a. Structure
Spelling Homophones (words that sound alike) e.g
- allowed/aloud
- flower/flour
- flew/flu
- night/knight
- key/quay
b. Writing
Review of formal and informal letter writing
c. Words for the week
Week 11
a. Structure
Punctuation: Apostrophe, Colon, Semi Colon, Inverted Commas.
- Will – Would
- Shall – Should
- May – Might
- Can – Could
b. Comprehension
- Replacement question form
- Grammatical names and functions.
c. Words for the week
Week 12
a. Revision
- Essay Writing
- Letter Writing
- Comprehension
- Summary
- Test of orals
b. Words for the week
Week 13
Week 14
Read also: SS1 Mathematics Scheme Of Work For 2nd Term