Love is a beautiful thing and it’s definitely one of the most beautiful things in the world. It makes you feel all the butterflies and magic.
There is this feeling of satisfaction that comes with being loved,that comes being cared for. The feeling that you have someone loves your imperfections,flaws and your being, it is sweet right?
I am sure you reading this must have felt this beautiful magic called love. But once love is broken,or once someone falls out of love with you there’s bound to be consequences.
There are so many reasons why people let go of people they claim they i.e Jealousy, Cheating, Verbal Abuse, Lack of Communication etc the list is long.
Letting go of someone who made you feel like the best and most beautiful creature in the world is disheartening and the process can be hard.
In this article I would be sharing you tips on how to get over your Ex:
Table of Contents
Let Go
Letting go isn’t easy as it seems especially when you gave the person your whole, like you completely loved them their flaws regardless.
To let go of that part of you that is intertwined with them is hard but trust me to let go of those feelings would be like gifting yourself peace.
Try to let go let go of those memories that keeps lingering, let go of those things that bonded you guys together i.e the music, the smell of their cologne.
Let go of those memories for your well being, some people as long as they keep holding on to pains from heart breaks they grow into a bitter person.
Bitter people are never happy,they are either joy killers or they never see anything good they easily lack interest in exciting things.
Letting go can be like creating time to erase yourself from the painting,giving yourself freedom to happiness.
Heartbreak is one of the worst pain you can ever think of apart from losing a loved one or child birth.
You need to heal and free your mind and soul my dear; especially if you came out of a toxic relationship,e.g cheating ,verbal abuse etc. Some carry the burden that it’s their fault their partner exhibited a particular behaviour, it’s never your fault, nobody chooses to hurt something precious to them.
Yes fine nobody is perfect but it’s not your fault they didn’t work on their imperfections,it’s not your fault.
Before jumping into another relationship make sure you’re completely healed from the trauma of your former relationship unless you would not enjoy your relationship because you would keep thinking about the past.
Healing is not as easy as it seems, at some point it will be messy and you’ll be confused,someday you’re over the feeling,another day you’re caught up with memories and tears starts rolling down.
You shouldn’t stop fighting for your healing,this is your fight,it doesn’t have to be great at the beginning,hold yourself and keep moving.
You shouldn’t be afraid to heal,one day you’ll appreciate this healing process,once the door of healing has been opened,the air of peace will be drawn in and. you’ll feel better.
One thing about healing is,it gives you a fresh start, you start living afresh,it helps you to embrace the uncertainty,when you’re healed you free yourself from self doubt and pains.
The truth is,you will heal,but you need to take action,that feelings will fade if you’re intentional about letting go and having freedom over your mind.
The goal of healing is never to go back to what broke you,you’ve gotten better and grown to understand that you have the right to let go of any pain that endangers your mental health and that drains you socially,you’re strong enough to walk out of that feeling that’s your power.
Stop Stalking Your Ex!
As hard as that is, please stop!
When you continuously stalk your ex, you find it hard to let go,I could remember that I was going through my break up phase,the experience was horrible, I would go to my ex social media page and stalk him, the more I stalk him the more I was in pain, the more I kept thinking oh, I still love this person I can let go, you can let go if you.
Develop Yourself
While trying to get over your ex, develop yourself so as to completely distract your mind.
Acquire a new skill, read books, get to know yourself, work on your imperfections, and most importantly, know yourself. If you must walk alone for a while to discover your purpose, do it purpose brings about fulfillment.
It is by purpose you run, when you know the purpose of your life, you won’t easily get distracted by life situations.
There is a saying by Myles Munroe, that “when the purpose of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable”.
When you don’t know who you are, you give people the right to dump anything on you, anyone could enter your life and leave anytime because your purpose is not known.
A purposeful person will go far in life, not just in career but in all spheres of life. Heart breaks, Failure, Set backs are part of your long journey towards self growth, embrace it.
Love Yourself!
Prioritize yourself ,do whatever brings you happiness,from time to time, spend more time with yourself.
One of your greatest investments is what you do to empower and grow yourself ,all these bring about growth in you.
Some people don’t even know who they are and what they carry and that hurts, because if you don’t know who you are, you give people the access to treat you anyhow without respect.
The way you want people to treat you depends on what you’ve discovered about yourself, create a life your future self would be proud of.
Expect more from yourself, expect less from people because anyone can disappoint at any time.
Have A Relationship With Your Creator
In life, you can’t run your race along, you need an invisible hand to guide you through your decisions and plans.
Your relationship with God defines your future; It gives you hope and assurance that no matter what comes your way you know you have someone you can run to and hear your deepest cry.
Your relationship with God doesn’t just take you far in life; it makes you different and rekindles your joy.
One thing about God is…when we tell him our pain, he helps us to ease them gradually, yes God can take all the pain away.
But do you have a relationship with Him, how’s your relationship with your creator, are you close to God?
It’s not by going to church alone, is your heart connected to Him? Does He know you by name? When you have a close relationship with God, you align with his purpose for your life and he orders your steps.
Your life and perception would change when you realize that God is ever mindful of you, no pain, no sin can take away His love. I hope this tips will help you get over your Ex and move on from the painful experience, you’re stronger than that pain!
Thank you for reading.