There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered the way students learn and study.
Initially, the lockdown restriction in Nigeria which led to the closure of school in March 2020 has shown that we can learn anywhere.
A lot of people were able to switch to remote learning during the COVID-19 Induced lockdown; however some struggled and even failed to use tech products to learn online comfortably, especially those in the rural areas.
Even though the lockdown has been lifted, schools have reopened and resume physical class. It’s evident that virtual learning is here to stay. According to Forbes, online learning is the future of education. Thus, it is important for students and those who want to upskill to familiarize themselves with the “new normal”. But first what is online learning.
Online learning works by communicating course materials over the internet and helping students to learn and acquire new skills, knowledge and earning degrees via digital materials. In fact, everyone is leaning online; remember when you google search to find answers? Yes you are learning online too.
In the past, earning a college degree meant physically attending in-person classes, which often posed challenges for working professionals or those with complicated schedules. Thanks to technology, it easier than ever to find a degree that offers the flexibility you need whether traditional-in-class or online learning or a blend of both.
There are many advantages to online learning: first, think of yourself learning anywhere, whenever, wherever and however best works for you; how will you feel like?
Secondly, it makes it easier to balance school, family and work without feeling overwhelmed or neglecting important things in your life.
In most cases of online learning. You sign up for a course, the course creator will let you know what material or devices you will need to access it, then either they give you the learner all the course materials or release it in stages. During this process, you might complete homework, assignments study texts, watch videos, listen to audio lectures, take quizzes and tests. However, know that the exact manner depends on the course creator or provider.
If, however you are a newbie to online learning, don’t be scared as learning online is a fantastic way to increase your knowledge and skills in a unique and flexible manner. It is important to know that, whether you are starting online courses for the first time or looking for ways to improve your current habits and skills, there are key areas to consider to work on yourself for achieving success and take full advantage of all that remote learning has to offer.
Tips for Online learning
- Breath:- Therapists usually suggest to their patients to breath deeply or even meditate sometimes. This is a very great way to calm your nerves, allay your fears and clear your head to learn.
- Stay positive about why you are learning online, visualize the results and see yourself learning comfortably.
- Have a “I can do this spirit”.
- Maintain a “I can learn attitude”.
Guide to Online learning
Just like your physical classroom, there are specific rules and regulations, the Do’s and Don’t to follow in order to have a great and fulfilling online learning experience.
- Create a learning space: this is the fundamental law for online learning. Students must make efforts to create a space in their house, a designated spot for learning purpose and it must be quiet and preferably near a window.
- Set Learning Time: have a regular pattern that you follow to build consistency and form a learning habit. Thus, chose a specific time to learn and make sure you follow it. Morning is probably the best time to learn, as it when the memory is most active and fresh, however chose the one that works for you.
- Exercise: after studying for a period of time, move around, jump a little and do some quick push-up. This will easily jump start your concentration span.
- Create a To-Do list: write a time-table for yourself, this will help you to keep track of your progress. It will also serve as an incentive to continue learning. Plus make sure you continue your normal life, remote learning doesn’t have to be boring, make time to talk to friends and family and make sure you treat yourself nice.
- Avoid Distraction: it easy to be distracted when you are using your phones, tablets or laptops to learn online. Social media messages and push notifications may come in but please, don’t make the mistake of responding to them except it is very important. If possible, put your learning device on “do not disturb” setting. The benefits is plentiful and social media can wait.
- Don’t over study: you might be thinking, why this. But it very important that you don’t try to learn everything at once. Most humans can only concrete for about 5o minutes, hence take a break, relax and freshen up to continue. Don’t rush it.
- Silence: Don’t keep quiet in Virtual space, communicate with your tutors if you are struggling in any area. Because, it is online learning doesn’t not mean you are studying in isolation, connect with your virtual classmates, comment on their posts and share ideas.
This should serve as a guide to everyone and it is to my utmost desire that everyone adopt a lifelong learning mindset.
To your success!
Read also: Top Free E-Learning Websites For Nigerians