Public speaking is terrifying.
It has been described as one of the most common fears in the world. Unfortunately, public speaking is required in almost all sectors of the world; business, education etc it is impossible to get past public speaking.
Whether you are a student, small or large business owner, it is beneficial to improve your public speaking skills, it improves your confidence and the admiration of people around you.
Maybe you gave a speech once and it didn’t go well or you think you don’t have the natural ability to deliver speeches, well guess what, public speaking is a skill and can be learned and developed.
Below are 4 quick tips to help you develop or improve your public speaking:
Deal with your nervousness
First and foremost every great public speaker deals with nervousness and maybe stage fright, it’s normal. The difference between you and these speakers is preparation. Prepare a sound speech that is guaranteed to blow the minds of your intending audience, you may not be aware but reading and going over a well prepared speech boosts your confidence. Organize your material in terms of grammar, central idea, main points and level of information. Bonus tip write to grab your audience attention in the first thirty seconds.
Be familiar with the topic
Research your speech topic to the point where you can discuss at length about it without consulting a material. This helps you flow and flexibility is assured. Your comfort ability with the topic grows your credibility and puts you at ease with yourself and the audience.
Minimize memorization
Trying to absorb a lot of information at once can lead to a brain overload. Just as advised above, get comfortable with the topic instead of trying to know so much information in little time. It may backfire.
Practice out Loud
Do not be afraid of practicing out loud, practice in front of friends even. Ignore the stares you may get, practice and practice until you ace every practice session. Pay attention to your voice and the power it carries; try to get rid of voice shakiness and nervous hand gestures.
Remember, a public speech is never perfect. Nevertheless, putting in the essential time and effort will help you deliver and boost your confidence levels. No one expects a perfect delivery, turn every mistake back in your favor, insert humor and aim for a dashing finish. It is quite impossible to calm heightened nerves, but these are sure tips to develop and broaden your public speaking skills.
Prepare Well.