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Children Special: Can I Have A Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

by Jesse
5 minutes read

A few years ago, in a prestigious high school of Port Harcourt, came a beautiful, intelligent, disciplined, and smart young champ, called Vanessa.

Vanessa is a constant benchmark for how attractive and intelligent a girl can be; she excels in all aspects of her academic career. You can refer to her as “Vanessa Focus” because she is devoted to her studies.

Now, It became challenging for people who aren’t serious to approach Vanessa or make friends because she has established boundaries all around her. Vanessa’s way of life and academic performance reflected her circle of friends.

When Vanessa moved to Senior Secondary School, she met Desmond! A brilliant young champ, that was just transferred to Vanessa’s school. So due to Vanessa’s academic achievement, Desmond got drawn to her, and they became friends.

They practically did everything together in school and became best of friends.

A few months after the birth of the friendship, the duo started getting attracted to each other; as the day passes by, the attraction increases, and after weeks of nurturing attraction and affection for each other, they decided to give dating a try, and they become lovers, from best of friends.

It was an interesting relationship to say, they always speak to themselves, in school and even after school. It went to the extent of late nights of talking to each other. They spent weekends together and were practically couples.

Weeks into their relationship, Vanessa’s academic performance reduced drastically.

She hardly had time to study, even when she does, pictures and flashbacks of the romantic moment she had with Desmond, would fill her mind, and then she would start reminiscing on those lovely moments, hence making her mind preoccupied with Desmond and their relationship.

Nights she would have dedicated to study or rest, will be used to make the long duration of midnight calls. She hardly spends study time with her friends in school.

Vanessa would rather want to study with Desmond, but anytime this happens she ends up not studying effectively, they would use that time to talk about their love life and how they want to be with each other till the end of the earth.

After failing woefully 3 consecutive times in her academics, Vanessa had to call herself to order, she told herself and Desmond the truth. Though they both love themselves effortlessly, if this relationship continues, they would end up ruining their academic pursuit. And right now, it is not about emotions or feelings, it is about priority and doing what is right and at the right time.

Right now, academic success is the priority and anything that would take that away, is an enemy of academic excellence, even if it’s their love life, so, she had to end her relationship with Desmond! And focus on her studies. Now if they’re meant for each other, they’d meet again, after school.

Dating in Teenagers

We live in a time where everyone is crazy about love, we all want to love and be loved genuinely! While this is beautiful and a thing to desire, there’s a time for it.

Life is governed by time and seasons, understanding these times and seasons; would help you to make use of them effectively.

Young teenagers and students shouldn’t date because experiencing love and reciprocating it, at their young age is bad. Also, dating comes with a lot of responsibilities that you might not be mentally, physically, financially, and emotionally ready and equipped for.

Being in a relationship comes with a lot of things, I know you want to experience love, and I know you want to experience what it means to be loved truly.

But as a teenager, it is not the right time to do that, just like Vanessa the relationship took a toll on her academics. Your teenage life is a time for personal development. A time to love yourself, and become the best, trust me love, will come, the question is, would you be prepared for love when it comes knocking?

As humans, it’s natural to be attracted to several people, Vanessa was attracted to Desmond, and he was attracted to her, which is normal. Sometimes we can’t just stop being attracted to these people, but attraction is never enough to love someone.

Would you go into a relationship with everyone you’re attracted to? No! You won’t. It’s all left for you to control the attraction.

Vanessa was able to call herself to order, would you be able to call yourself to order when you are faced with it?

Teenage dating has ruined many beautiful and promising futures – don’t let it ruin yours.

I know you always feel happy whenever you are around this person, but at this stage of your life, happiness is not the priority. Getting better and becoming the best is the priority, trust me, happiness would come when getting better.

In Conclusion

Teenage dating is a norm these days. Teenagers want to experience and explore the concept of love, which is not bad, but the timing is.

Dating as a teenager leads to a lot of devastating things; poor performance in school, the use of drugs, delinquency, pursuing the wrong, and even becoming the things you criticize.

As a teenager, you need to understand that your teenage life, is for your improvement.

Read also: Children Special: Stop Thinking Everyone Is Better Than You

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