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Parents’ Corner: Choosing Careers For Your Children

by Priscillia Uzomah
3 minutes read

They say that no matter how old a person is, they remain a child in the eyes of their parents.

The agenda is for the child to be emotionally balanced and physically sound. Eventually, the child will grow older and leave their care to pursue their careers and the life they wish to lead.

Choosing a career is not an easy task. As you are aware, not every child is born talented. It can take a long time for people to settle into what they want. The future of a child stretches unknown just like that of an adult. But, unlike an adult who has much more experience and understanding of life, the child has little to none.

This is why parents and guardians are best suited to help choose a career for the child. They have the resources that can help the child to avoid pitfalls on the way.

When it comes to a child’s career, as parents and guardians, you should always be cautious. You may decide to choose a career for your children only to realise later that their mind was set on something else. In this case, trying to have your way may cause more harm than good.

Most adults look down on a child’s inexperience, forgetting that as the child matures, they become independent as their personality asserts itself.

There’s no guarantee that your children will make the best decisions for themselves – this must cause a lot of parents to panic, especially if what they want is different from what the child wants.

Identify and support­ your child’s dreams

Children can choose the careers they wish to pursue when they grow older based on their dreams. Nelson Mandela was just a boy when he had a dream to liberate South Africans from all forms of slavery and discrimination. Dreams are fueled by passion and passion is a strong desire that can last for a very long time.

Your role as a parent in choosing a career for the child is not to be a dictator. Rather, participate in the child’s development, support their dreams and help them aspire to be the best versions of themselves.

Build the right foundation

If a child will choose a career in legal practice, computer science, art, sports,  engineering, banking and finance, and so on, they will have to follow due process.

First and foremost, a child needs to have a good education, otherwise, it can hinder their chances of achieving their dreams. Some careers require training from an early age. These careers can take several years of study before a person can master them. The sooner the child is exposed to things related to the career they wish to pursue, the better prepared they will be.

Children can sometimes choose the careers of people they admire as their role models, like a person who is successful and famous, or even their parents. When I was much younger, I wanted to be a superhero so that I can save the world – that was very ambitious of me.

The mind of a child is easily influenced by the things around them – like a sponge they absorb everything both good and bad. Your career goals and the work that you do can influence them, so be a good role model for your kids.

Instilling the right character into them and letting them learn from you is a great way to train a child.

READ ALSO: Children’s Exclusive: Choosing A Career Path

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