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AU – EU Digital For Development (D4D) Competition For Bloggers, Submit Content Before Oct 7

by Geeky Nigeria
2 minutes read

The African Union – European Union (AU-EU) Digital for Development (D4D) has commenced a blogging competition for bloggers from Africa and Europe.

The theme of #D4Dblogging competition is “How can Africa and Europe work together to tackle disinformation and protect human rights in the digital age?”.

The blogging competition is open to all bloggers interested in freedom of speech, disinformation, open internet, and digital rights and principles. Blogs that present original views on how to tackle online disinformation through human rights-based actions, create awareness of the issues at stake, and foster new ways for Africa-Europe collaboration in the field are also invited.

Geeky Nigeria reports that The AU-EU D4D Hub is hosting a Town Hall debate at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), to be held in Addis Ababa from November 28, 2022 to December 2, 2022. The purpose of the panel is to exchange experiences, ideas, and good practices in Africa and in Europe on how to tackle online disinformation through human rights-based solutions.

To participate in the competition, bloggers are invited to submit their contents based on the following guiding questions:

  • What are the most effective measures against disinformation?
  • How can such measures be balanced with the protection of fundamental rights, such as the right to freedom of opinion and expression?
  • How can different actors (including the private sector, governments, civil society, academia, and experts) help tackle the spread of disinformation?
  • What type of multi-stakeholder collaborations can be considered good practices?
  • How can Africa and Europe cooperate to tackle disinformation?
  • What are the similarities and differences in both continents regarding disinformation, digital rights, and best approaches?
  • What type of collaborations can be considered best practices?

One submission per blogger is accepted, and the submitted content should be maximum of 1200 words long. Only Entries in English and French are accepted.

The author of the best blog will be invited to travel to Addis Ababa from November 28, 2022 to December 2, 2022 to attend IGF 2022. The costs to be covered by the AU-EU D4D Hub project include: Economy-class round ticket from country of origin to Addis Ababa through the most direct route, Tourist visa fees, Mandatory COVID-19 tests, Accommodation (for five nights).

Note that the deadline for submission of contents is October 7, 2022.

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