Home » Lifestyle » She Shapes Biodiversity Photo Contest For Women, Apply Before Oct 24

She Shapes Biodiversity Photo Contest For Women, Apply Before Oct 24

by Geeky Nigeria
2 minutes read

Women4Biodiversity (W4B) has launched the She Shapes Biodiversity photo contest to celebrate women’s contributions to the environment and amplify the roles and contributions of women that can pave the way for the implementation of a gender-responsive post-2020 global biodiversity framework.

The photo contest runs prior to the United Nations Biodiversity Conference, also the Fifteenth Meeting of the Conference of Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 15), this 7-19 December in Montreal, Canada.

This timing, according to W4B, is to put attention and generate discussion on the need for a gender-responsive global biodiversity framework, with emphasis on a stand-alone target on gender equality (Target 22) in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.

Geeky Nigeria reports that Women4Biodiversity (W4B) network advocates for a right to a healthy environment for all. They believe that Living in Harmony with Nature needs to take into account the roles and contributions of women and girls to achieve transformative change. This requires addressing gender equity and women’s empowerment and recognizing women’s institutions and their agencies as a way to achieve environment benefits and gender justice.

According to W4B, The word “shapes” in “She Shapes Biodiversity” shows women as active agents of change in different actions for biodiversity – in sustainable use, conservation, restoration of biodiversity, and more.

Before application, W4B requires participant to interpret the theme “she shapes biodiversity” in the way they like, some examples to give an idea are:

  • Indigenous women’s and local women’s traditional knowledge and practices.
  • Women on the ground – women sustainably using natural resources from biodiversity, conserving, and/or restoring biodiversity.
  • Actions by women environmental defenders, women’s actions and activism for biodiversity.
  • Women engaging in biodiversity policy planning and implementation.
  • Transmission of natural, botanical, medicinal, agricultural, fisheries knowledge and practices from our grandmothers, mothers, and other women
  • Inspiring photos about characters linked to the environment, about stories whose protagonists are related to the environment (legends, indigenous folk tales, etc.).

Note that Photos should be in PNG or JPEG format, with a resolution of maximum 10 MB in size and minimum 200 dpi (printing resolution). Photo should have a title, with an accompanying story and sharing (minimum 1 paragraph) on why the woman’s/women’s contribution shown in the photo is important. Sharing can also include a poem/verse if this helps convey the message or feeling of the photo.

The deadline for submission of entries is October 24

Apply For She Shapes Biodiversity Photo Contest

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