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World Teacher’s Day: Celebrating That Super Teacher

by Titi Femi-Odusoga
4 minutes read

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself” – John Dewey

Happy celebration to the profession that has helped the world to develop and birth many game-changers. The teaching profession dates back to Confucius ((561 BC).  It is the largest profession in the world with over 80 million members recorded in the 21st century. Today, we celebrate all the teachers that have helped us to bring out our best when we did not think we have them in us.

If you are an adult, you must have come across many teachers, enough teachers to affect you in your life. In fact, God gave us life, then our parents brought us to life, and then like John Dewey said in the quote above, teachers gave us life in life. Without a teacher in your life, where would you be today? Groping in ignorance, I suppose.

A true teacher is someone who intentionally helps you improve yourself. They take you from the point of ignorance to the place of knowing and stress you (no pun intended) to the place of greatness.

At Geeky Nigeria, we do not want this day to go without celebrating such super teachers, so some of our writers got this to say:

I remember my first Biology class; I was confused. I tried to understand things taught about cells. Naturally, cells are the first topic in every SS1 Biology class. I still remember the mitochondrion and nucleus pronunciation; they were a mouthful for me.  I got so weary of Biology that I ran from biology classes. I would go to the library and read novels during those classes. This went on and on. I didn’t even bother to try and understand it. Then, I met a new Biology teacher in SSS3 who was good enough to rekindle my interest in Biology. He was so good and made it so simple and intriguing that I finished reading all the Modern Biology textbooks for each level. Safe to say that eventually, I was one of the best in Biology at one point despite being an art student.

Mr. Festus changed my perception of Biology. I was so good at Biology that my brother who was a medical student would ask me questions about the systems of the body to tap my brain. This change development confirms the impact of teachers on a student’s learning ability. I appreciate you, Mr. Festus. I hope you see this and know how much of an impact you have made on me. Thank you for being one of the best teachers I had throughout my academic journey.”Tolulope Olumisin

Gift Great had the following to say:

“Mrs. Salako was my primary school class teacher who taught me so well during my primary school days. She taught me to be independent rather than depend on others to excel. She was very approachable and a mother figure. It was because of this I felt so secure trusting her with all my challenges and issues during my primary school days and with her, I learned a lot which made me the overall best in my graduating year.”Gift Great

In addition, Miracle Kalu said:

“A teacher nurtures a dream and brings it into reality. Teachers take a chance on learners and provide wings for them to fly. Mr. Chibueze Otunmegwu will always remain my best teacher. He made me realize I can do anything if only I put my mind to it. He taught me the ethics of literature and government. His impact really helped me at the university. Teachers are great!” – Miracle Kalu

This is by my humble self:

“I have come across some good teachers but the one that affected me the most is one that I met at the university. Dr. Lubanzadio Mavatikua affected me in a way no other teacher did because, for the first time in my academic history, I was struggling… He noticed the worry in my eyes and asked for the reason. He had a quick chat with me right there on a staircase that changed my life forever. Afterward, he kept a tab on me that constantly buoyed my performance. He taught me what it is to listen to, empathize with, and affirm someone who needs help. God bless him and all teachers that are positively changing lives.” – Titi Odusoga

To every teacher who is giving exceptional service, and making a memorable impact on the lives of children, and people generally, we celebrate you today!

May you eat the fruits of your labor. We also, want to use this medium to plead with the Federal Government of Nigeria and remind them of the saying, ‘Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions’ hence, we implore you to prioritize education and teachers.

Happy Teachers’ Day to all teachers!

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