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World Food Day: Why You Should Own A Garden

by Ernest Favour
4 minutes read

With the increase in world population, food consumption is likely to increase.

This is because of the passive and reluctant attitude to agriculture.

In Nigeria, for instance, we have observed a constant rise in the price of food commodities due to the limited number of persons involved in agriculture.

It is not news that the number of persons or organizations offering a particular good or service affects demand and pricing.

Therefore, where there is an increase in the number of persons supplying farm produce, the demand for this product reduces, which in turn, reduces the price.

In commemoration of World Food Day, there is a need for every household to involve in agriculture. It doesn’t matter how big or large your farm is. In the very little way you can, grow some of the things you eat. Hence, the importance of a garden.

Often we think farming is such tedious work. But gardening is less tedious. True, gardening is just like farming but on a small scale. Gardening most of the time involves planting and grooming vegetables and some food crops.

Honestly speaking, every homemaker should have a garden. It’s work, yes, but it’s rewarding.

How do you feel when you have to buy everything from the market? Sometimes we buy vegetables in bulk because the market is far and we don’t want to run out of stock.

But then we end up throwing most of it away because it spoils easily. If you had a garden, you wouldn’t need to do that.

Don’t you think it’s high time you considered getting your hands a little dirty for future purposes?

Here, in this article, as we celebrate World Food Day, I will give you 5 reasons why you should own a garden:

It Saves You Some Money

This is the most outstanding reason why you should own a garden. You save a lot of money when you have those tomatoes, peppers, green leafy vegetables, and so on, growing in your backyard.

Sometimes, you just need a little quantity of a vegetable to make the meal perfect but because you didn’t plant it, you have to buy more than you need or rule it out entirely. Think how much money you will save when you successfully grow tomatoes!

We all know how much it is in the market right now. And how important it is when making stew! The fact is, you will cut down on the household budget if you have a garden.

It Gives a Sense of Purpose

That feeling of waking up to do something useful. Something you love to do because it saves you a whole lot. That’s the purpose!

If you’re able to successfully grow a garden, you have unconsciously increased your level of concentration, focus, and endurance. It can help improve you!

Some homemakers are housewives. Instead of sitting idle all day, why not buy some seeds? What’s that small piece of land at the back for anyways?

It Makes You Productive

This point is similar to the second point. By the time it is harvest time, you’ll be so proud of yourself. One good thing about these vegetables is that it’s always there, all you need to do is water them.

As long as the soil’s fertile, you’re good to go! Do you know how it feels to eat something you produced yourself? I’ll tell you. It feels good! Like there is a special spice added to it.

It Provides for the Rainy Day

In times of emergencies, maybe an unexpected guest, you can always count on your garden. You won’t be so taken unawares that you starve your guest or guests as the case may be.

Also in cases where there’s little or no money to buy from the market, you can make do with what’s available in your garden.

A Source of Income

This can become a second source of income for you. You can decide, when the harvest is bountiful, to sell off some of it.

It’s rewarding, isn’t it? So what are you waiting for?

Although gardening can be stressful and tiring, with a lot of positivity and consistency, you’ll achieve it.

Remember, nothing good comes easy. Go for it. Happy World Food Day!

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